Articles tagged with napo
3 April 2023 | Comments [106] »
Earning a living helping people get organized sounds like a fantasy job for many people. But thousands of people (including me) are doing it. Here’s my take on getting started.
Tagged with: becoming a po,
13 March 2023 | Comments [0] »
I spent the morning at the monthly meeting of the St. Louis chapter of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals. It was so enjoyable and valuable that I decided to re-run an updated version of this post, which I originally wrote in 2016. If you’re a professional organizer and you don’t already belong to your local NAPO chapter, I encourage you to join!
Tagged with: napo,
napo st. louis,
professional organizer,
worth repeating
29 September 2021 | Comments [0] »
If you’re considering starting an organizing business (or perhaps you’ve started one in the past couple of years), I urge you to sit down during a quiet moment and think about what you would like your business to look like.
Tagged with: becoming a po,
21 June 2021 | Comments [1] »
If you’re a professional organizer, I hope you’re lucky enough to live where there’s a local chapter of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals. And if you do live near one, I hope you’ve joined it!
Tagged with: napo,
napo st. louis,
professional organizer
27 October 2020 | Comments [0] »
We were tickled to be invited by the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) to do a virtual presentation for their chapter (and anyone else who wants to buy a ticket) called the Power of Enough…Effort. In this presentation, Shannon and I will be talking about when to know you’ve put enough effort into something.
Tagged with: napo,
shannon wilkinson
10 October 2019 | Comments [8] »
The Certified Professional Organizer credential was created by and is governed by the Board of Certification for Professional Organizers® (BCPO®) which was started by NAPO, the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals®. It came about through the hard work of dedicated volunteers who wanted to create a meaningful credential that furthers the mission of advancing the credibility and ethical standards of the organizing industry. BCPO follows the accreditation guidelines set forth by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCAA). It’s the real deal.
Tagged with: becoming a po,
14 March 2019 | Comments [1] »
Way back in 2008, I earned the credential Certified Professional Organizer® or CPO®. This credential is conferred by the Board of Certification for Professional Organizers as part of an accredited credentialing program. In order to become a CPO, I had to pass an exam that I studied hard for. In order to sit for the exam, I had to have 1500 paid client hours or 1250 paid client hours and 250 equivalent educational hours. (I had the latter.)
Tagged with: accomplishments,
napo st. louis,
professional organizer,
professional organizer st. louis
23 August 2018 | Comments [0] »
If you’re reading this blog, you may very well be a professional organizer or perhaps an aspiring organizer. That’s why I want you to know about Stand Out the podcast from the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO). Stand Out is produced for professional organizers, but its content would be useful to all sorts of small business owners.
Tagged with: geralin thomas,
rachel henken
12 September 2017 | Comments [0] »
In 2017, NAPO members voted to change the association’s Doing Business As name. The new name is National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals. (The website remains the same, A new logo to go with the new name was revealed just a week ago.
Tagged with: napo
21 January 2016 | Comments [9] »
If you’re a professional organizer, I hope you’re lucky enough to live where there’s a local chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers. And if you do live near one, I hope you’ve joined it!
Tagged with: napo,
napo st. louis,
professional organizer
6 July 2015 | Comments [0] »
If you’re in St. Louis, I hope you’ll consider coming to a fun event where you can get your organizing questions answered live and in person. Here’s the best part: It costs only $10!
Tagged with: events,
napo st. louis,
organizing questions
21 May 2015 | Comments [2] »
On Friday, I started a one-year term as President of NAPO-St. Louis, our local chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers. I’ve been an active member of the chapter since its inception in 2006. In fact, I was on the first board of directors, serving six years first as Membership Director, then President, then Immediate Past President. I retired from the board in May of 2012, but agreed to return for a term as President when there wasn’t someone else available to step forward.
Tagged with: ease,
napo st. louis
20 November 2014 | Comments [0] »
The National Association of Professional Organizers is conducting a survey to gauge what the public thinks about organizing and productivity. They’re curious about the general public’s organizing behaviors and attitudes and hope to create a snapshot of how organizing affects the everyday life of Americans.
Tagged with: napo
15 September 2014 | Comments [0] »
Later in the week, I’ll be traveling to Nashville, Tennessee, to attend the annual conference of the Institute for Challenging Disorganization. This is one of two organizing conferences I attend in a typical year. This year, I also attended two genealogy conferences.
Tagged with: becoming a po,
becoming a professional organizer,
15 April 2013 | Comments [0] »
I leave in the morning to fly to New Orleans to attend the annual conference of the National Association of Professional Organizers. This is the eighth year in a row I’ve attended this conference and it’s hard for me to imagine missing it.
Tagged with: conference,
17 September 2012 | Comments [0] »
Julie Morgenstern is somewhat of a rock star among professional organizers. She wrote the books, Organizing from the Inside Out
and Time Management from the Inside Out
more than ten years. Those books helped many, many people (including me). Since then she’s gone on to build a high-profile, successful organizing company. She develops products, like the new “Circa Balanced Life Planner”: from Levenger. And she trains professional organizers through the Julie Morgenstern Organizing Institute.
Tagged with: education,
julie morgenstern,
time management
13 June 2012 | Comments [0] »
At the 2011 NAPO conference, I was among the many who shed tears watching the video about Soles4Souls a non-profit group that collects shoes to deliver to shoeless people in Haiti and elsewhere. That year, NAPO honored Soles4Souls with its Organizing Excellence Award, for the incredible organizational effort behind the shoe collection and distribution.
Tagged with: charity,
napo st. louis
23 March 2012 | Comments [0] »
I’m at the national conference of the National Association of Professional Organizers in Baltimore. I am enjoying myself so much, sinking in the knowledge and reveling in the camaraderie of my colleagues and friends. Bliss.
Tagged with: napo,
new york times
5 March 2012 | Comments [8] »
I admit it. I’m a conference junkie. Since I became an organizer in 2005, I’ve attended every conference of the my two main professional groups, the National Association of Professional Organizers and the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization (now Institute for Challenging Disorganization), plus three NAPO regional conferences, the Professional Organizers in Canada conference last year and the Australasian Association of Professional Organisers conference in 2009 (where I spoke).
Tagged with: conference,
geralin thomas,
scott roewer
2 November 2011 | Comments [2] »
Part of me is jealous of people who are starting their organizing businesses now. Of course, the economy isn’t the greatest. But compared to 2005 when I started my business, there are so many resources available, at a reasonable rate, to help people get started.
Tagged with: becoming a po,
geralin thomas,
8 April 2011 | Comments [1] »
There’s little I like better than having fun while learning. And that’s exactly what I’m doing here in San Diego at the NAPO conference.
Tagged with: education,
geralin thomas,
standolyn robertson
6 April 2011 | Comments [1] »
I leave this afternoon to fly to San Diego for the annual conference of the National Association of Professional Organizers. This will be my sixth NAPO conference in a row and, as always, I’m very excited.
Tagged with: conference,
geralin thomas,
margaret lukens,
14 February 2011 | Comments [2] »
I joined the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), in 2005. It was one of the first things that I did when I decided to start my business.
Tagged with: credentials,
7 May 2010 | Comments [2] »
I’ve been very busy since I returned from the 2010 NAPO conference and never posted anything here about the conference itself, which was wonderful.
Tagged with: conference,
julie bestry,
26 April 2010 | Comments [0] »
Having just spent four days with professional organizers, who are among the most supportive and helpful groups of people I can think of, I’m pausing to think about how important support is.
Tagged with: declutter happy hour,
felder rushing,
professional organizer,
shannon wilkinson,
21 April 2010 | Comments [0] »
I’m leaving this morning for Columbus, Ohio, to attend the annual conference of the National Association of Professional Organizers. This will be my fifth NAPO conference in a row and I’m as excited as ever. There will be hundreds of smart, friendly, interesting organizers there to talk with. There’s an expo of organizing products (be still my heart), there are amazing educational sessions. The chance to see old friends and make new ones.
Tagged with: education,
18 January 2010 | Comments [0] »
Several years ago, a book called A Perfect Mess was published. I mentioned it on my blog right before it was published. In a nutshell, the book’s premise is that mess is good and that an obsession for order can be detrimental.
Tagged with: anti anticlutter,
31 December 2009 | Comments [4] »
2009 was a year of ups and downs for me. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. As I finish inputting data into Quickbooks for the year, I realize that my revenue is down, which isn’t great. I’m chalking it up to the economy. But so many really great things happened in 2009 that I view it as a year of success and progress.
Tagged with: aapo,
declutter happy hour,
napo st. louis,
4 May 2009 | Comments [3] »
I don’t know what made me think I’d find time to blog while in Orlando for the 2009 conference of the National Association of Professional Organizers. You’d think by now I’d know that I spend little time in my room there and when I am in my room I’m either chatting or sleeping.
Tagged with: geralin thomas,
kathy waddill,
lauren halagarda,
margaret lukens,
mary ann pate,
scott roewer,
standolyn robertson,
wendy davie
28 April 2009 | Comments [0] »
I leave this morning for Orlando to attend the annual conference of the National Association of Professional Organizers. I have to admit that I’m a bit of a conference junkie. I really benefit from the information and energy of a conference full of passionate folks.
Tagged with: geralin thomas,
scott roewer,
23 February 2009 | Comments [0] »
The website of the National Association of Professional Organizers has undergone a complete overhaul. Thanks to the hard work of Lauren Halagarda and her committee the website is more user-friendly, attractive, and informative. I had the opportunity to help as a tester at the very end of the process. I can only imagine how much work went into the development.
Tagged with: lauren halagarda,
27 May 2008 | Comments [1] »
It’s not a large article, but to me it’s significant. The Career Journal section of today’s Wall Street Journal features “Professional Organizer” as the career it examines in its Pay Grade column.
Tagged with: napo,
wall street journal
14 April 2008 | Comments [0] »
After a glorious time at the NAPO conference in Reno (best part: interacting with fabulous organizers, worst part: staying in a hotel and casino full of smoke!), I’m home. I arrived home about midnight on Saturday night.
Tagged with: napo,
time management
10 April 2008 | Comments [0] »
Checking in for a quick moment to say how wonderfully fortunate I feel to be at the national NAPO conference here in Reno. I just heard the most wonderful keynote address from Peter Walsh, who totally rocks.
Tagged with: education,
geralin thomas,
peter walsh
8 April 2008 | Comments [2] »
I leave today for Reno, Nevada, to attend the national conference of my professional organization, the National Association of Professional Organizers. This is my third national NAPO conference in as many years and I’m very excited.
Tagged with: napo,
peter walsh,
29 April 2007 | Comments [0] »
I just returned from six fabulous days of training, education and networking with my colleagues in the organizing profession. I attended the annual conferences of the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization and the National Association of Professional Organizers. I also attended a one-day training workshop for a great filing system called Freedom Filer.
Tagged with: big picture,
freedom filer,