About Us

Want to get to know me a little better, before you invite me into your heart and home? (Of course you do!)
Here are the essential details:
- I’m a Certified Professional Organizer (CPO) and I’ve been helping people create order in their homes since 2005. In that time, I’ve amassed thousands of hours of training and on-the-job experience, written countless blog posts, served on the board of the Institute for Challenging Disorganization, was elected President of the St. Louis Chapter of NAPO, the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (three times!), and appeared on TV shows like A&E’s Hoarders and TLC’s Hoarding: Buried Alive, as well as morning talk shows like Great Day St. Louis. I’ve been a blogger for Rubbermaid and SentrySafe, and partnered with the popular personal assistant app Springpad back in the day. Together with my team, I have delighted more than 400 clients since the company started.
- Unlike many of my (incredible) peers, I am not a naturally organized person — at least, not from the outside looking in! I’ve worked hard to discover systems that sync with my personality, and allow me to create genuine order, not just the appearance of order.
- I am highly empathetic and nearly impossible to shock. If you think your home, office, attic or garage is truly “the worst” … just try me. I promise you’ll never feel shamed or judged. I’ve had plenty of my own ‘rock bottom’ moments of disorganization, and I get it.
And here are the non-essential (but fun!) details:
- Before becoming a professional organizer, I was a sought-after pet writer. (That may sound strange, but it’s true!) I had seven books published — some of which are still on the shelves at your local Barnes & Noble — and more than a hundred magazine and newspaper articles. If pets are part of your life, I may have a trick or two up my sleeve to help you and your furry babies co-habitate with greater ease.
- I’m a budget nerd and a YNAB Certified Coach. The spendfulness software YNAB (YNAB is short for You Need A Budget) changed my life. I love it so much that I took training and became certified in helping others use it. Check out my YNAB Coaching page to get the scoop.
- I am an avid knitter — and TV watcher. Usually at the same time. And these days I’m also learning and practicing hand lettering while writing thousands of postcards to voters. I love kicking back and relaxing in the evening. And I don’t feel a bit guilty about it.
- I am fascinated by ancestry, and passionate about genealogy research. I’ve traced my family’s roots back past the Civil War, with (possible) tendrils reaching back to the Mayflower. I love making sure my ducks are in a row with my genealogy research. Organizing it is part of the fun.
I brought my passion for genealogy into my organizing business, with live presentations and a blog written just for family history buffs. I’ve written articles on genealogy organizing for several genealogy publications, including Family Tree Magazine, and I’ve hosted two webinars for Family Tree University. (Hop on my mailing list for updates — and check out my (other) website, OrganizeYourFamilyHistory.com.)
When you contact Peace of Mind Organizing, you contact me. I’ll discuss your project with you via email and, if you’re interested in team organizing, we’ll set up an appointment for an in-home consultation to discuss your goals so that we can give you a ballpark estimate and explain our process. That consultation may be done by me personally or, more likely, by one of my rock-star team members.
After the initial consult, you’ll work with my amazing team members (who keep me in the loop on your progress together) for the organizing sessions. All my team members embrace my empathetic, gentle approach. (Otherwise they wouldn’t be my team members!) I have two fabulous employees who are the backbone of my teams and I also use independent contractors, who have their own organizing businesses, when I need extra hands (and brains).
All done! What now?
- You can read more about why I became a professional organizer — or check out my training + credentials.
- You can peek at my services for clients in and around St. Louis, MO. (Psst. Want a team of experts to sweep into your home for a dramatic makeover experience? Don’t miss this: Operation: Peace of Mind.)
- You can hop over to my blog for hundreds (actually, thousands) of articles on creating order and ease in your home, your workspace, and your life.
- You can drop me a line to say hello — or pop a question that you’d love to see me answer in a future blog post. (I’d love the inspiration!)
Thank you for visiting! Wishing you peace of mind, today and always.