
Peace of Mind Organizing

Make space. Find peace. Feel joy.

Articles tagged with moving

Giving myself grace

18 July 2024 | Comments [0] »

You may have noticed that I haven’t been blogging. For the first time in 16 years of writing this blog, more than a month has passed since I last posted. I’m trying not to beat myself up about that.

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What to do with old journals?

14 June 2024 | Comments [3] »

Now I’m moving. (Which is why I haven’t been blogging.) When I cleaned out that file cabinet, I found the large stack of journals. I glanced through a few and really didn’t enjoy what I read. So I put them aside for disposal.

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Downsizing bingo update

26 April 2024 | Comments [0] »

I used a bingo card for a few days last week and then realized that the strategy wasn’t going to be effective for my particular downsizing project.

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Using bingo to make downsizing easier

15 April 2024 | Comments [2] »

In an effort to make downsizing as fun as possible, I’m going to start the decluttering process with a bingo board. At Bingo Baker I was able to generate bingo cards that are randomized. I created 30 areas/projects and Bingo Baker randomized them to include 25 on a bingo card.

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Worth repeating (once again): Making a move easy(er)

5 June 2023 | Comments [0] »

It’s moving season again! Moving is one of the more stressful things we do, but careful planning can go a long way toward making it less stressful. I think the tips in this post, which I wrote in 2014, are still helpful, so I’m running it again. If you’re in St. Louis and planning a move, check out Operation: Relocation. We’d love to help!

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Worth repeating (again): Making a move easy(er)

11 August 2022 | Comments [2] »

My work life has been dominated in recent weeks by a helping a lovely family move from a large home to multiple destinations. It got me thinking about the tips I wrote eight years ago in this post that I think are still spot on. Check out Operation: Relocation page if you’re in St. Louis and planning a move. We’d love to help!

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Need some pro moving tips?

7 January 2021 | Comments [0] »

Moving can be overwhelming and confusing. Here’s some help: HireAHelper, a clearinghouse for moving-related services, asked a dozen professional organizers for their best moving tips. The result? A robust, helpful blog post for those planning a move. I was delighted to be one of the organizers consulted.

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Worth repeating: Making a move easy(er)

21 May 2018 | Comments [0] »

Moving is stressful. There’s pretty much no way around it. Even if an employer is paying for the move and you have the movers pack you, there are a lot of details with which to contend and it’s a hassle. Working with a professional organizer can help, but even so, the process is stressful.

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Renting, not buying, moving boxes

15 August 2016 | Comments [4] »

I recently coordinated a move for a client using recyclable plastic moving boxes from STL Rent A Box rather than purchasing cardboard boxes. It worked like a dream and I’ll definitely consider it for future moves.

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Worth repeating: Making your move easy(er)

25 August 2015 | Comments [3] »

Moving is stressful. There’s pretty much no way around it. Even if an employer is paying for the move and you have the movers pack you, there are a lot of details with which to contend and it’s a hassle. Working with a professional organizer can help, but even so, the process is stressful.

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Making your move easy(ier)

22 August 2014 | Comments [5] »

Moving is stressful. There’s pretty much no way around it. Even if an employer is paying for the move and you have the movers pack you, there are a lot of details with which to contend and there’s a lot of stress. Working with a professional organizer can help, but even so, the process is stressful.

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