Articles tagged with money
24 May 2023 | Comments [0] »
I wrote this post in 2017, after I’d been using the Profit First methodology for 18 months or so. Now, six years later, I’m as enthusiastic as ever about the method.
Tagged with: business,
mike michalowicz,
profit first,
worth repeating,
12 April 2023 | Comments [0] »
Over the last five years I’ve become good with money. So good that I’m confident coaching others about it. How did that 180º turn happen? It happened because of You Need A Budget, a budgeting methodology and software platform that has changed my life.
Tagged with: budgeting,
financial organizing,
23 April 2020 | Comments [0] »
You Need a Budget is a website/app that has revolutionized the way I think about money. I am surprised that I haven’t blogged about it before (besides a brief mention in January). I did write a bit about it in the January issue of my newsletter .
Tagged with: budgeting,
13 October 2017 | Comments [0] »
In the spring of 2016, I read the book Profit First by Mike Michalowicz. I had heard a talk about the Profit First concept from Cathy Sexton of The Productivity Experts who gave a presentation about it to the St. Louis chapter of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals. I was intrigued so I bought the book. After I read the book, I decided to implement it. It’s been wonderful for my business.
Tagged with: business,
mike michalowicz,
profit first
21 October 2013 | Comments [0] »
This month, I forgot to pay my credit card on the 17th. I don’t know what happened. I never forget. But on Saturday, I realized that the bill was due two days before and I’d forgotten.
Tagged with: debt,
shannon wilkinson
18 September 2013 | Comments [0] »
Almost two years ago, I wrote this post about giving up cable TV. I’ve since written two updates: Update on the cable-free life and A year without cable TV, but I think this post was the most informative of them. I’m an avid TV watcher and don’t miss cable a bit. Between the shows I can watch on my Roku, the Tivo I ended up buying which records broadcast shows for me, and shows I can catch online, I have more than enough to watch. And I’m so delighted not to pay for cable TV!
Tagged with: money,
worth repeating
26 October 2012 | Comments [0] »
It’s been just about a year when we took the plunge and canceled our subscription to cable TV. I wrote about it a couple of months into the experiment in a post called Life without cable TV and again seven months later in a post entitled Update on the cable-free life. On this one-year anniversary, I thought I’d give you the latest.
Tagged with: money,
3 July 2012 | Comments [7] »
Back in December, I wrote a long post about life without cable TV. I watch a lot of TV, since I love the combination of TV + knitting. It was a big deal for me to cut the cord on cable.
Tagged with: money,
23 December 2011 | Comments [9] »
About two months ago, we canceled our cable TV. I never would have guessed that I would do that. We’ve always subscribed to all the premium channels and it’s hard for me to imagine I’d do without. But here I am, cable-free. Why did my husband and I cut the cord?
Tagged with: money,
24 August 2011 | Comments [6] »
When I started Peace of Mind Organizing in 2005, I wasn’t afraid of investing in it. Organizing is a fairly low-overhead business, but I was interested in getting lots of training and benefitting from attending educational conferences with my peers. A look at my credentials page can give you an idea of how I spent money on my business and professional development.
Tagged with: bankrate,
shannon wilkinson
23 February 2011 | Comments [1] »
I’ve been acquainted with Leah Ingram, author of the new book,Toss, Keep, Sell!: The Suddenly Frugal Guide to Cleaning Out the Clutter and Cashing In
, for going on fifteen years. We were members of the same professional association for writers back when I was a freelance writer and both still belong to the online writing community, Freelance Success. Leah’s created a name for herself as an expert in saving money, thanks to her popular Suddenly Frugal blog and her book of the same name. When I became aware of the topic of her newest book. I couldn’t resist asking her to do a Q&A for my blog.
Tagged with: decluttering,
leah ingram,
17 January 2011 | Comments [2] »
So far this year I’ve established a couple of new habits that benefited greatly by starting with a clean slate.
Tagged with: backlog,
6 August 2010 | Comments [3] »
I’m all for saving money. But last week I learned a valuable lesson about how saving money at the expense of time isn’t always such a great idea.
Tagged with: mistakes,
8 May 2007 | Comments [0] »
Do you ever feel like you could really get some stuff done if only you didn’t have to deal with life? I got home from my organizers’ conferences all revved up with big plans of implementing big ideas.
Tagged with: belt-tightening,
interweave knits,
wobbly circles tote