National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is back!
Almost everybody has old prescription drugs cluttering up their bathrooms and other spaces. The trouble is, it’s hard to dispose of them responsibly.
Tagged with: disposal, medications
Almost everybody has old prescription drugs cluttering up their bathrooms and other spaces. The trouble is, it’s hard to dispose of them responsibly.
Tagged with: disposal, medications
Almost everybody has old prescription drugs cluttering up their bathrooms and other spaces. The trouble is, it’s hard to dispose of them responsibly.
Tagged with: disposal, medications
Getting rid of old medications isn’t as easy as I’d like it to be. Flushing them down the toilet (which is what my family did when I was a kid) isn’t environmentally sound. Throwing them in the trash, where others can get them and use or sell them, obviously isn’t a good idea either. And hanging on to them creates clutter and is potentially dangerous, since some drugs can become toxic with age.
Tagged with: disposal, medications
I have a cold. I’m happy to say that I don’t succumb to colds often, but when I do, I seek relief from the over-the-counter medications. I store my supply in a bin labeled “cold/cough” in my bathroom closet.
Tagged with: bathrooms, medications, planning
Getting rid of old medications isn’t as easy as I’d like it to be. Flushing them down the toilet (which is what my family did when I was a kid) isn’t environmentally sound. Throwing them in the trash, where others can get them and use or sell them, obviously isn’t a good idea either. And hanging on to them creates clutter and is potentially dangerous, since some drugs can become toxic with age.
Tagged with: disposal, medications
Tomorrow’s the big day for the Drug Enforcement Agency’s National Take-Back Initiative for disposing of prescription drugs.
Tagged with: disposal, medications
We all know that the once-popular practice of flushing unwanted medicines down the toilet is a bad idea. Unwanted chemicals can get into the water supply and be bad for us. But what should be done with medications that are expired or no longer needed?
Tagged with: disposal, medications