11 January 2012 | Comments [2] »
This is a big week for me for guest posts!
I took part in a blog post for the terrific mathophilic blog, Math for Grown Ups on how I use math in my work. The blog’s owner, Laura Laing, has a Monday series where she interviews various folks about how they use math in their professions.
Tagged with: guest post,
laura laing,
leah ingram
23 February 2011 | Comments [1] »
I’ve been acquainted with Leah Ingram, author of the new book,Toss, Keep, Sell!: The Suddenly Frugal Guide to Cleaning Out the Clutter and Cashing In
, for going on fifteen years. We were members of the same professional association for writers back when I was a freelance writer and both still belong to the online writing community, Freelance Success. Leah’s created a name for herself as an expert in saving money, thanks to her popular Suddenly Frugal blog and her book of the same name. When I became aware of the topic of her newest book. I couldn’t resist asking her to do a Q&A for my blog.
Tagged with: decluttering,
leah ingram,