Articles tagged with gratitude
25 November 2024 | Comments [0] »
Take some quiet time this week and make a list of things you’re thankful for. Like me, you may have been through a lot this year. But even amidst challenges and sorrows, you can always find silver linings when you look for them. Can you write down a few this week?
Tagged with: gratitude,
24 November 2022 | Comments [0] »
I encourage you to take a little time during this busy time of year to take stock of what you’re grateful for and perhaps keep your eye out for the tiny things that bring you joy. It’s a sure way to put a smile on your face.
Tagged with: gratitude,
25 November 2021 | Comments [0] »
While it’s a blissfully stress-free day for me (I don’t have to do anything but eat and enjoy the company of my friends-who-are-family), I know Thanksgiving can be stressful for some. And it’s the launch day for a potentially stressful holiday season.
Tagged with: gratitude,
5 April 2021 | Comments [0] »
In early 2021, I came upon a new method that has been so successful for me that I wanted to share. I heard about the book, The Five Minute Journal, which provides a space to briefly reflect on gratitude by answering the same questions each day. I borrowed the questions from that book and made them into a Trello card that is on my Daily Task Management Board.
Tagged with: daily habits,
18 January 2021 | Comments [2] »
In December 2014, I didn’t let a broken wrist stop me from supervising a move for a favorite client couple. I must live a charmed life, because the husband in this couple is a hand surgeon. My finger was swelling around my my precious heirloom wedding band and he took took the time to remove it so that I didn’t have to have it cut off. Here’s how he did it.
Tagged with: gratitude,
worth repeating
31 December 2020 | Comments [0] »
I think we can all agree that 2020 had more than its share of challenges. It will go down in history as one of the worst years of most people’s lives, I think. But I do think it’s important to take note of the good things that happened on both a large and small scale.
Tagged with: accomplishments,
9 April 2020 | Comments [0] »
It’s hard to articulate all the feelings I’m having as I stay at home during this COVID-19 crisis. I try to push away the fear of the health and economic repercussions of the pandemic. I try to keep a positive attitude. And, most of all, I try to practice gratitude. Even though things are falling apart around us, I have so much to be thankful for.
Tagged with: adriene mishler,
self care,
yoga with adriene
27 November 2019 | Comments [0] »
Every year around Thanksgiving, like so many other Americans, I reflect on the many things I have to be grateful for.
Tagged with: gratitude,
31 December 2018 | Comments [0] »
I enjoy taking stock of the year that has just passed as I make plans and set goals for the coming year. Sometimes, I’ll post a highlight reel blog post here. I see that it’s been four years since my last highlight reel. So I thought I’d take a few minutes to share one this year.
Tagged with: accomplishments,
19 March 2018 | Comments [0] »
It got me thinking about the many people whose blogs or books I have read or whose podcasts I have listened to who have made a difference to me. And they have no way of knowing they’ve helped me. Unless I tell them.
Tagged with: gratitude,
29 January 2018 | Comments [0] »
Just over three years ago, my misfortune at having fallen and broken my wrist was turned into good fortune when I found myself working at the home of a hand surgeon. That wonderful doctor took the time to remove my precious heirloom wedding band so that I didn’t have to have it cut off. Here’s how he did it.
Tagged with: gratitude,
worth repeating
26 November 2016 | Comments [0] »
These are tumultuous times for many people in the U.S. I think that no matter what is going on around us, we benefit from focusing on the things that we can be grateful for. My brother, Larry, is visiting me from Brisbane, Australia, and he and I were discussing how science shows that a gratitude practice leads to a longer life. Here’s an article that details some of the benefits of gratitude.
Tagged with: gratitude,
4 January 2016 | Comments [2] »
2015 was a challenging year for me personally, with more loss than I’ve ever experienced, along with family health issues and challenges. Thankfully, my business didn’t suffer much from the personal challenges.
Tagged with: accomplishments,
27 November 2015 | Comments [2] »
I love that we have a national holiday devoted to feeling grateful. I’ve found that taking a moment to feel grateful for our many blessings, even in times of adversity, is so beneficial.
Tagged with: gratitude,
5 February 2015 | Comments [1] »
On the evening of December 3, I fell and broke my wrist, though I didn’t know immediately that it was fractured. That night, I took my engagement ring, but my wedding wasn’t moving and I (stupidly) left it on.
Tagged with: gratitude
29 December 2014 | Comments [2] »
My favorite week of the year is the week between Christmas and New Year’s. I love taking stock of the year just past and planning ahead to the coming year. I also like creating a little order and just sort of getting my ducks in a row during a week where most of the world isn’t doing much work (and therefore I have time at home).
Tagged with: accomplishments,
3 January 2014 | Comments [3] »
Taking stock of the year that’s just finished can be an important part of planning the year ahead. 2013 was an exemplary year for me, so I’ve had a good time creating this year’s highlight reel. (Here’s 2012’s version.)
Tagged with: accomplishments,
28 November 2013 | Comments [2] »
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. What’s not to love about a holiday that asks us to express our gratitude for our good fortune? I also love that it’s about good food, family, and community.
Tagged with: gratitude,
16 January 2013 | Comments [1] »
I’m a glass-half-full person. I tend to see the bright side of things. That sunny point of view has been enhanced and amplified by a gratitude habit I’ve had the privilege of developing over the past two years.
Tagged with: aby garvey,
31 December 2012 | Comments [0] »
It’s the last day of the year and I’m putting the finishing touches on my goals for 2013. A big part of the goal-setting process for me is reviewing accomplishments of the past year. It can be easy to focus on what one didn’t accomplish last year (a side effect of setting high goals), but it’s smart to take into account the good things.
Tagged with: accomplishments,
24 September 2012 | Comments [0] »
At the ICD conference last week, I heard many great speakers. One of them was Fred Luskin, who spoke about forgiveness. A Stanford University professor, Dr. Luskin teaches about happiness and forgiveness, among other topics. His book,Forgive for Good
, is very interesting.
Tagged with: compassion,
fred luskin,
31 December 2010 | Comments [0] »
On this day last year, I posted my highlight reel for 2009. For me, it’s a fun way to reflect on the past year (and remind me a year later what went down), so I’m trying it again for 2010.
Tagged with: accomplishments,
28 November 2010 | Comments [2] »
I love the food, of course, and the companionship and camaraderie of a wonderful dinner. And I love taking the day off (which I did, in spades).
Tagged with: gratitude,
25 November 2009 | Comments [0] »
I started to write a blog post like those I’ve written on Thanksgivings past about the things I’m grateful for. Gratitude is so important, and I absolutely love that we have a national holiday devoted to it.
Tagged with: gratitude,
20 April 2009 | Comments [0] »
n January, I took Jen Louden’s wonderful Virtual Retreat. Jen, known as “The Comfort Queen,” offered up a four-day weekend full of talks (over the phone) from inspiring self-help folks. It was terrific.
Tagged with: empowerment,
jen louden,
12 January 2009 | Comments [0] »
While the new year also feels ripe with possibilities for me, I have to admit that the advent of 2009 is a little scarier than usual. I have great hopes for a turnaround in our economy, but I know that for many people (including me, sometimes) the economic situation makes taking action—or even feeling good—a little difficult and scary.
Tagged with: empowerment,
havi brooks,
jen louden,
michael neill,
29 November 2008 | Comments [0] »
Thursday was a wonderful, self-indulgent day for me. I don’t take part in the cooking or prepping part of Thanksgiving, just the eating and drinking. We eat every year at the home of dear friends, and my husband does all the cooking for our contribution. We didn’t go to dinner until 5:00. So while Barry worked in the kitchen, I got to sit in front of the TV and knit. Guilt free. It was wonderful. (I watched two movies on cable, The Sting which I’m seen at least 20 times and love every time, and Charlotte Gray the wonderful Cate Blanchett/Billy Crudup WWII movie, which I actually saw in the theater.)
Tagged with: dogs,
12 November 2008 | Comments [2] »
This morning I received the e-newsletter of Christine Kane, the blogger, musician, and creativity consultant whose blog was my Blog of the Week a few months ago.
Tagged with: christine kane,
22 November 2007 | Comments [1] »
There are many things to love about Thanksgiving. It’s a holiday whose whole point is to be grateful for the wonderful things in our life.
Tagged with: gratitude,