Articles tagged with chronic disorganization
2 March 2023 | Comments [0] »
I just became of this terrific video by KC Davis that I think will be useful to people who are overwhelmed by clutter and don’t know where to start.
Tagged with: chronic disorganization,
kc davis,
14 August 2013 | Comments [0] »
I wrote this blog post four years ago and it remains true. Clutter is truly in the eye of the beholder, which can become a problem when people in the same household have different standards!
Since I specialize in working with chronically disorganized people, I’ve seen a lot of clutter. I’ve worked in homes so full of stuff they were uninhabitable (literally).
Tagged with: chronic disorganization,
napo st. louis,
perfectionism. worth repeating,
5 January 2011 | Comments [0] »
As of January 1, 2011, the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization (NSGCD) is now officially the Institute for Challenging Disorganization! The NSGCD board voted on the name change in July. The tagline Education. Research. Strategies. was approved in September and the new logo in November.
Tagged with: chronic disorganization,
1 July 2010 | Comments [0] »
Today I start my two-year term as Marketing Director for the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization. So it seems fitting that I would devote a little space to raising awareness about this terrific group.
Tagged with: chronic disorganization,
organizing resources
12 February 2010 | Comments [1] »
The Fox News affiliate here in St. Louis, KTVI Channel 2, aired a story two nights ago about hoarding and chronic disorganization. I was interviewed for the piece, along with one of my chronically disorganized clients, LuAnn, who was brave and generous enough to let the cameras into her home in an effort to help others.
Tagged with: chronic disorganization,
21 October 2009 | Comments [5] »
Since I specialize in working with chronically disorganized people, I’ve seen a lot of clutter. I’ve worked in homes so full of stuff they were inhabitable (literally).
But I’ve also been hired to do consultations for people for whom there was no visible clutter, at least at first glance. Yet those folks made the effort to schedule an appointment and paid me to advise them on how to deal with stuff that was bothering them. To my eye, it was small, easily addressable stuff. But to them it was a problem. (I always have to remind myself never to trivialize someone’s problem.)
Tagged with: chronic disorganization,
napo st. louis,
7 October 2009 | Comments [1] »
I’m back from Los Angeles, where I earned my Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization® credential from the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization — more on the significance of that in a post later this week. As usual after a trip, I’m struggling to get back into the swing of my routines. (I’m happy to report that I have managed to clear my desk each evening.)
Tagged with: chronic disorganization,
geralin thomas,
yvonne trostli
16 March 2009 | Comments [0] »
On Friday, I posted about emotional barriers to getting organized. Jim Dietzel from Rubbermaid’s blog suggested in a comment that I do a poll on the various emotional blocks folks have when it comes to decluttering.
Tagged with: chronic disorganization,
13 March 2009 | Comments [5] »
Earlier this week, I wrote about unhelpful beliefs that can stop you from being able to let go of stuff. Today I want to talk about emotional barriers that can come up when you’re trying to get organized (or even just thinking about it).
Tagged with: chronic disorganization,
11 March 2009 | Comments [3] »
Most of the people I work with are dealing with clutter. As we work through the stuff and I help the client make decisions about whether to keep items, I’m often amazed at the different ways people feel about letting stuff go.
Tagged with: chronic disorganization,
david tolin,
disorganization resources,
9 March 2009 | Comments [0] »
I work with a lot of chronically disorganized clients and many of them are creative people.
Creative people have a lot going for them. They tend to be fun, full of life, and see the possibility in everything. When it comes to organization, however, they often have a few strikes against them:
Tagged with: chronic disorganization,
creative people,
hiring a po
26 January 2009 | Comments [0] »
I just finished reading and analyzing a great book, It’s Hard to Make a Difference When You Can’t Find Your Keys: The Seven-Step Path to Becoming Truly Organized
, by Marilyn Paul, Ph.D. for my NSGCD Level III certification program. It’s written for chronically disorganized folks and provides a warm, empathetic, holistic and patient approach to getting organized, even if you’ve lived your whole life being disorganized.
Tagged with: chronic disorganization,
marilyn paul,
21 January 2009 | Comments [2] »
Organizing is an activity that many people find difficult to do on their own. In the study of chronic disorganization, it is recognized that a chronically disorganized client needs to work with others. It’s called “social organizing.” Indeed, some clients simply can’t go through the process of sorting and weeding and organizing if they’re by themselves.
Tagged with: body doubling,
chronic disorganization,
judith kolberg,
social organizing