
Peace of Mind Organizing

Make space. Find peace. Feel joy.

Articles tagged with change

Furthering your goals one tiny step at a time

24 February 2025 | Comments [0] »

I decided at the beginning of the year to pull or push open the doors, rather than pushing the button. There are, I think, six doors in our building that have automatic openers. When I first moved in, I would push the button just because I could. Now I never use it. I can’t help but think that using my arm muscles this way six or eight times a day will be beneficial!

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A tiny change that made a big difference for me

6 October 2018 | Comments [0] »

I have to tell you about a quality-of-life-enhancing change I made recently. It might seem like a no brainer to you. But I have to share because it makes me so happy. It involves my house and car keys.

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Have you upgraded to iOS 7 yet?

25 October 2013 | Comments [1] »

If you have an iPhone or an iPad and haven’t yet upgraded to the newest operating system, iOS 7, I’m going to give you one good reason to do it.

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Change can be good

23 September 2013 | Comments [0] »

Last week, Apple issued a new operating system for its mobile devices, iOS 7. I saw online that it was a huge redesign. At first I balked at updating. (I tend to be slow to do that anyway; I like to wait for the bugs to get worked out.) I wondered why they’d make such a drastic change. The old design—unchanged since the original iPhone—was clearly a winner. I was used to it. It worked well. I had no complaints.

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Small change, big impact

30 July 2013 | Comments [0] »

My husband and I have lived in our home for 22 years. (Well, four of those 22 years we lived in New York City, so I guess it’s 18 years.)

One of the big frustrations in the house for all those years was the master-bedroom closet had sliding doors. These were oversize sliding doors—in other words, each one was more than half as wide as the closet.

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22 December 2010 | Comments [0] »

Change is hard. But it’s not necessarily bad.

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