Articles tagged with bookbub
2 November 2017 | Comments [0] »
I discovered Bookbub, the site that notifies me of bargains on digital books, four years ago. I blogged about it then and I want to post it again because I love it even more now than I did then. I have many books on my Kindle and between Bookbub and my library, I’ve paid very little for books in the almost five years I’ve had my Kindle. When my list of bargain books come in every day from Bookbub, I almost always ignore the ones that aren’t free, to narrow down the choices. I keep track of my Kindle library in Evernote and between Bookbub and my Evernote list, I feel such abundance (and no overwhelm) when it comes to reading material. If you like to read books on an e-reader, I encourage you to check out Bookbub!
Tagged with: bookbub,
worth repeating
28 July 2017 | Comments [0] »
Because it’s so easy to download free Kindle books, thanks to Bookbub and my library, I have hundreds of books on my Kindle. Unfortunately, the user interface of on the Amazon website under “Your Content and Devices” offers only two ways to organize my vast library. One is to sort it by Title, Author, or Acquired Date. The other is to put books into collections. Neither is sufficient, in my opinion.
Tagged with: bookbub,
8 October 2015 | Comments [0] »
At the end of 2012, I bought myself a little gift: A Kindle Paperwhite e-reader. After less than two weeks with it, I was in love and wrote a blog post about why I love my Kindle Paperwhite.
Tagged with: amazon,
7 October 2013 | Comments [2] »
I make no secret of the fact that I love my Kindle Paperwhite. It makes books so portable that I’m reading more than ever. (I’m keeping a running list and since I bought my Kindle in on December 31, 2012, I’ve read 25 books.)
Tagged with: bookbub,
5 July 2013 | Comments [1] »
When I bought my Kindle Paperwhite
e-reader in December, I worried that I’d be spending all kinds of money on books. Back when I was reading books printed on paper, I’d just borrow them from my library. While my library does offer Kindle books, the selection is somewhat limited.
Tagged with: bookbub,