You don't have to do it alone

26 April 2010

Having just spent four days with professional organizers, who are among the most supportive and helpful groups of people I can think of, I’m pausing to think about how important support is.

Before I became an organizer, I struggled with creating systems for getting my messy self to stay organized. I bought, read and learned from many books on organizing. (My friend, the Mississippi garden writer Felder Rushing once looked at my bookshelf and drawled, “Janine, you’d have a lot less clutter if you’d just get rid of these books on clutter.”)

But since I’ve become an organizer, I’ve seen that what I bring to the table (and I’m sure this is true of my colleagues) is not just expertise. It’s support. If all you need is expertise, then reading about a topic might be sufficient.

But when it comes to organizing and dealing with clutter it can be really hard to get started on your own. That’s where finding a buddy or a professional to help can make a big difference.

By hiring a professional organizer you:

  • Make a time commitment to working on your organizing goals
  • Make a financial commitment, which can be very motivating
  • Become accountable to someone
  • Benefit from the organizer’s expertise
  • Have some fun with it, because you have company

I know that not all my prospective clients can afford my one-on-one rates. That’s one reason I developed Declutter Happy Hour with life coach Shannon Wilkinson. With this e-course (which started as a teleclass), participants receive help and support from us at a lower fee.

I’m working on another e-course (the first of many, I hope) that will launch soon that has a live support option built in. (This class will help you deal with your mail.)

If your clutter or organizing challenges feel like more than you can handle alone, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. If you can afford one-on-one help with an organizer, believe me it will be worth the investment. If you can’t, look around the internet…there are some great lower cost options that can still give you the support you need.

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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