I can across this post I wrote in August 2017 and thought I’d share it because I found inspirational! It’s amazing the decluttering and organizing you can get done in short, five-minute bursts of time. I’m going to try this again tomorrow!
I’m a big believer in using a timer to motivate me to work quickly and get stuff done. I have a seriously full calendar but a relatively free morning today so I thought I’d see if I could some clutter spots and other small tasks taken care of.
So I pulled out my phone and asked Siri to set a timer for five minutes. I did it seven times. Here’s what I managed to accomplish in just seven five-minute blocks:
That’s a lot of distracting clutter busted in just 35 minutes!
Because I apparently have no shame, I’ll share with you that cluttered counter and how it looked five minutes later.
It’s not amazing, but it’s a heck of a lot better for a really small investment of time and effort. (This is a room I don’t spend much time in, but I’d been turning a blind eye for so long!)
Your turn. Do you have a spare five minutes? What can you do in that time to make a difference in your home?
Tagged with: declutter, decluttering, timer, worth repeating