Worth repeating: It's holiday card time

24 October 2016

I wrote this post on October 31, 2012. It seems timely to repeat, since on Saturday I ordered the holiday cards for my business. That’s the front of this year’s card at right…I like to order New Year’s cards because they’re secular and give me the ease of an extra week to send them. I still use Minted.com (they’re awesome) and they now will (stylishly) print your recipient addresses on the envelopes at no extra charge. So that means I needed to finalize my recipient list before finalizing the card order. It feels so good to have that finished already! I’ll have plenty of time to write notes on each recipient’s card.

I’m thinking about holiday cards for my clients and colleagues and I’m whispering to myself, “Let it be easy.” In the past, I’ve tended to make holiday cards way more complicated than they need to be.

My friend, Margaret Lukens turned me on to Minted.com, which sells lovely personalized cards. Lots of different designs. So I spent some time there considering the offerings and was starting to feel overwhelmed by the options (as usual).

So I’ve boiled it down to these first tasks:

  • Decide how many cards I need, even if it’s a ballpark number
  • Stick with the design I’ve already chosen and customized
  • Make final decisions about the last trivial options
  • Submit and check out and stop worrying about it

I’m going on vacation next week (more on that later this week!) and the cards should arrive shortly after I get home. Then I’ll have time to update my list, print my address labels and enjoy the task of getting them out in a leisurely fashion.

No need to get myself tense about this. Thanks to the internet, I can create beautiful, customized cards without even leaving my desk. Now that’s easy.

How about you, have you started thinking about your holiday cards and how easy you can make them? (Hint: Not sending any is the easiest option and a perfectly viable one.)

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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