For most of my adult life I was bad with money. I spent without thinking, accumulated credit card debt and I lived under a lot of financial stress. Thank goodness I was smart enough to take advantage of my employers’ retirement contributions early in my career. I left that money alone (for the most part) so that now, at 60, I have a nice retirement cushion.
I’m happy to say that over the last five years I’ve become good with money. So good that I’m confident coaching others about it. How did that 180º turn happen? It happened because of YNAB, a budgeting methodology and app that has changed my life. I started using YNAB for my business’s budget five years ago and for my family budget two years ago. And I’ve handled the budgets for my aunt, father and my father’s estate through YNAB. (I don’t know how I would have handled being the executor of my dad’s estate if it weren’t for YNAB.)
In 2020, I blogged about how YNAB helped my business survive the lockdown. During that incredibly stressful time, it gave me some ease.
Thanks to YNAB, my husband and I (as well as Peace of Mind Organizing) have no debt beyond a mortgage. And we have healthy bank balances. For me, it’s a big, big deal to feel this good about my financial situation. I actually enjoy checking my accounts and transactions in YNAB every day as part of my morning routine.
I’m so passionate about YNAB and how it’s helped me that I completed a training program this year to become a YNAB Certified Coach. Last week, I added YNAB Coaching as a service on my Peace of Mind Organizing website. I’d be thrilled and honored to help you attain the peace of mind through budgeting that I’ve experienced. The first few paying clients will receive a 50% discount, so if this coaching interests you, I encourage you to read the budget coaching page then reach out to me via email.
I’ve reserved the domain Peace of Mind Budgeting and will go into more details about my coaching services there. And, naturally, I plan to blog about budgeting with YNAB. Once that website is live, I’ll post about it here!
Attaining financial peace of mind was so elusive for me for so many years. I am so grateful to YNAB that I have it now. If I can do it, so can you!
Note: The YNAB link above is an affiliate link. If you use it to sign up for YNAB and end up buying a subscription, we each get a free month added to our subscription.
Tagged with: budgeting, financial organizing, money, ynab