Trying out Flylady's cleaning tools

16 May 2011

Like legions of others, I’m a big fan of Flylady. I’ve been reading her advice since the late 90s and think she offers some tremendous, common-sense advice. (Back in 2008, I blogged about her advice that really resonated with me.)

In recent years, Flylady has been offering branded products that she thinks helps make cleaning chores easier. She is such a trusted soul that a Flylady seal of approval goes a long way.

I recently read some of the testimonials about her cleaning tools and decided to give them a try. I purchased the following (fair warning: Flylady is all about cute names):

I hate cleaning house, but sometimes I have to, and yesterday was one of those days. I have to tell you that Flylady’s tools made it easier. One of my favorites so far is the Rubba Sweepa. I have a lot of hardwood floors, as well as a cat who sheds a lot of hair, and the Rubba Sweepa does a great job picking up cat hair on wood floors. It’s working so much better (for me) than a Swiffer-type mop did. I’m less sure about its utility on carpeted floors, but I figure that’s what vacuums are for.

My other favorite are the microfiber cleaning cloths (“Rags in a Bag”). They really are fairly miraculous in terms of cleaning. One wet rag did an amazing job in my bathroom and dry one was great with dust, especially on cloth lampshades. And unlike other microfiber cloths I’ve tried, they don’t stick to my dry hands. They feel very nice, in fact.

These tools haven’t made me love housecleaning, but they have made it a bit more pleasant, so they’re worth their weight in gold as far as I’m concerned!

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Tomato Jones March 1, 2013 10:26 PM

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Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

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