On Friday I wrote that I was overwhelmed with tasks and clutter and that I really wanted to put my feet up this weekend, but had so much to do that I feared that wouldn’t be prudent. So I decided to create short task lists for each weekend day and relax only after I’d completed all the tasks on them.
And I promised to report on how that worked, so here’s my report.
I created the weekend’s tasks lists on Friday. On Saturday, I dove right into my list (after I came back from a play date with my dogs and their best friend…a girl’s gotta have priorities). I’m delighted to report that it took only about 60 to 90 minutes to complete everything on the list (mostly tidying up). So by about 12:30, I was able to pull out my knitting needles and start catching up on the TV shows that had accumulated on my DVR while knitting up a storm. It was great. I did some major relaxing.
On Sunday I did well with the task list, which contained more desk-type work (including working on my taxes), but ran out of time for knitting and relaxation during the afternoon. But that was okay for a couple of reasons: (1) I took my time with the desk work and interspersed some fun You Tube viewing (may I just share that I adore Entertainment Weekly’s coverage of American Idol on their website?). (2) We went out to an early dinner with friends, so I had time for knitting and TV (I’m almost completely caught up) in the evening.
So here it is Monday morning, and I feel I have a jump start on the week. I’m already plowing through my Autofocus task list. The house is reasonable looking (I might actually vacuum today!) and I actually feel I received sufficient R&R to recharge my batteries.
Life’s feeling much less overwhelming, I’m happy to say.
Tagged with: clutter, empowerment, priorities, productivity, relaxation, self-care, time management