The Time Timer

8 May 2008

Are you familiar with the Time Timer? It’s a tool, often recommended for people with ADD, that gives a visual representation of the passage of time. When you turn the dial to the number of minutes you want to time (which are arranged counter-clockwise from the 12 o’clock position on the dial), the number of minutes to be timed is covered in red. As time elapses, the red area gets smaller. If that’s not clear, here’s a picture, taken from the Time Timer website:

The 8" Time Timer. It also comes in 3" and 12".

Anyway, my friend Geralin Thomas, organizer extraordinaire, recommended I buy the Time Timer and take it with me on assessments, because mine tend to be quite long (4+ hours). This way I can keep track of time and since I’m holding the 3-inch timer in my hand, the client can see too. (I explain about the timer when I start.)

I’ve started doing this and I love it! I not only find it helpful on assessments and hands-on organizing appointments, I also use it in my home to keep me on task. I’ve long used the count-down timer on my digital watch when I’m trying to take care of tasks or projects. But being able to glance at the Time Timer and see how much time I have left is very helpful. It feels like (and I actually don’t know anything about this) is uses a different part of the brain than looking at a digital countdown.

I love it so much that I’ve decided to spring for the wrist version, so I can keep it with me easily throughout the day. And I’m even looking into being a distributor.

One of my clients has purchased one and found it really helpful as well. She’s easily distracted and this timer has done a great job of keeping her on task.

If you (or a client) have trouble with the concept of time and could use a little “tangible time management” check it out. And let me know what you think!

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Your readers may also find this product helpful if doing public presentations (keep it on the podium) and with pint-sized clients (who can’t tell time yet.)

I need to give a “thank you” to Scott Roewer, CPO in DC for telling me the correct name. I’ve used the timer for years but mistakenly called it a “disc timer.” One day, while talking to Scott, he said he uses a “Time Timer” and lo and behold… same product!

Geralin Thomas, CPO-CD May 9, 2008 02:33 AM

I love the “Time Timer”. I actually used the timer on Season 1 of FineLiving’s TV Show, Time Makeover.

Check out the timer by visiting

If your readers buy the timer, I recommend the timer with the audible ding when time has run out.

Scott Roewer, CPO® May 9, 2008 09:09 AM

Cool, Scott! You used the 12” version on the show, is that right? I think I’m remembering now!

I agree about the ding. It’s a nice subtle ding, but important.

Janine Adams May 9, 2008 09:12 AM

Actually on that episode, I used the 8” Time Timer for the family. I also gave the father, DC a Time Timer watch.
Here’s a photo of the watch.

Scott Roewer, CPO® May 15, 2008 08:23 PM

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

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