Taming the messy drawer (and a giveaway!)

8 March 2010

In our kitchen we have lots of drawers. One of them is a drawer full of miscellaneous cooking utensils and gadgets that we don’t use much. The things we use with any regularity are usually on top, but that’s the extent of the organization of the drawer. And that’s not really organization at all. That’s just physics.

The good folks at Rubbermaid recently sent me a set of six no-slip interlocking drawer organizers to try out. So one day last week I spent 28 minutes organizing that utensil drawer.

Here’s a before shot. I know, ugly.

Talk about a hodge podge of stuff.

I pulled everything out of the drawer and put it on the counter. I found a few duplicates, like the three pizza cutters and the two citrus reamers. There were a lot of dog-themed cookie cutters, because back in 2003 I wrote a couple of dog-treat cookbooks. (I no longer bake dog biscuits; my dogs think that Milkbones® are manna from heaven.)

Here’s a shot of the stuff laid out on the counter. (Try not to laugh at our 80s-era red countertops.)

I sorted like things together and I called my husband in to identify the more esoteric items, like the asparagus peeler and the absinthe spoon. My husband is a “but we might need it some day” kind of guy and since the kitchen is his territory, I bowed to his wishes. Case in point: There was an unopened box of wine charms. I was ready to donate them because we’d never used them, but my husband said he didn’t know we owned any (that’s the problem with a messy drawer). He says we’ll use them. So they stayed.

I didn’t get rid of a ton of stuff. But I did part with a bunch of cookie cutters.

I pulled out the Rubbermaid drawer organizers and in just a few minutes put everything away. There’s still a lot in that drawer. But the stuff we use the most (for me, that’s the yellow lemon juicer and the grippy mat thing for opening tight lids) is very accessible. The wine charms and corn-cob holders are neatly contained. Like things are together.

That feels much better.

Note that the drawer was much larger than the drawer organizer set. That worked out just fine. The organizers added much-needed structure to the drawer and I used the space next to it and behind it as well.

It’s very satisfying. And the whole process took literally 28 minutes. That’s the thing about little messes. We tolerate having to search around for things in a drawer, for example. Just a little focused effort on sorting, weeding and putting things in appropriate containers can make such a huge difference.


Rubbermaid has offered to send a set of drawer organizers to one lucky reader of my blog. To enter, just make a comment below and/or tweet about the giveaway. (Be sure and put my twitter handle, @janinea, in the tweet, so I’ll see it.)

A winner will be selected at random on Saturday afternoon (March 13). I’m sorry, but the giveaway is open to people in the U.S. and Canada only. That’s not because my last winner lived in Switzerland. It’s because Rubbermaid will be shipping the product and that’s their stipulation.

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That sounds like just what I need now I’m in the middle of cleaning for Passover.
Although I don’t live in the US if I win it can be shipped to my sister in New jersey.

Ann March 8, 2010 08:32 AM

My daughter is in charge of keeping kitchen drawers straightened. She hates this chore. SHe trys to make the srawers look like your organized one but they always end up like your unorganized one within 2 days. She would love to get some help in organizing these tiny monsters.

sarah z March 8, 2010 10:16 AM

I love Rubbermaid organizers, and could surely use these in my new kitchen!

Diane March 9, 2010 07:56 AM

I could really use a set of those I have several “junk” drawers and these would really be useful.

Phil March 9, 2010 04:15 PM

Would love to try these drawer organizers! Thanks for the chance!

Pamela March 9, 2010 09:21 PM

These look great! My kitchen drawers are a disaster and I cannot for the life of me figure out a place for the citrus juicer or cheese grater.

Wendy March 9, 2010 10:55 PM

We could definitely use this in our kitchen. We have two junk drawers to organize!

Robert March 11, 2010 06:16 AM

I have about 7 Drawers that could use some organization.

Virginia Duff March 11, 2010 06:21 AM

was going to buy some this weekend… great timing!

judi March 11, 2010 06:23 AM

Honey, you ain’t seen nothin’ ‘til you’ve seen my kitchen gadget drawer. Ack! Thanks for hosting this giveaway. Needless to say, I’d love a neat drawer courtesy of rubbermaid… :)

Lona March 11, 2010 07:22 AM

What IS it with kitchen drawers that makes them so crazy? Probably all the different sized items. These would be perfect as I’m in a cleaning-type mood!

samantha jo campen March 11, 2010 08:21 AM

Great job on the drawer! I cut off the bottom two inches of cereal boxes to use as inexpensive drawer organizers, haha! It would be great to try some Rubbermaid ones!

Kim S March 13, 2010 06:03 AM

Thanks Janine, So Happy I won this ! Love your blog!

Virginia Duff March 15, 2010 06:22 AM

Congratulations, Virginia, on winning the Rubbermaid drawer organizer set! Thanks to everyone who entered, and to Rubbermaid for offering the product for the giveaway.

Janine Adams March 15, 2010 06:36 AM

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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