Springpad launches Notebook Store

17 March 2014

I’ve been using the free website and app Springpad for a few months now and if you’ve been reading my blog you know that I’m quite a fan. It’s helped me eliminate random notes and scraps of paper and, for the first time, I’m using an electronic task list successfully.

Springpad is now making itself even easier to love. They’ve launched a new Notebook Store (think Apple app store, except right now all the notebooks are free!), full of custom notebooks, most of which were created with experts. These custom notebooks make Springpad even more useful and, perhaps, easier to get started in.

My two custom notebooks, The Habit Maker and the Family History Organizer, which were launched in January are part of the new Notebook Store. (Just click on the links.)

In addition, there are another four dozen or so other custom notebooks, organized into the following categories:

  • Home and Living
  • Cooking and Food
  • Tasks and Productivity
  • Travel
  • Family and Parenting

One notebook I’m really excited to tell you about is Command Central On-The-Go, created by my friend Aby Garvey, of simplify 101. It’s a fabulous, portable command center, where you can keep track of errands, shopping lists, notes (like room measurements and paint colors) and events, like gift lists. It also has a section with links to great resources available through simplify 101.

Command Central On-The-Go Springpad notebook

I had an epic shopping trip the other day that took me to five different stores, each with a different shopping list. I used the Command Central On-The-Go notebook on my phone to keep me on track. It was fantastic.

To me, the Notebook Store helps answer the question: What’s the difference between Springpad and Evernote? While Springpad does a great job of capturing information, the custom notebooks take it to another level.

I can’t wait to explore more of the custom notebooks as time allows. But let me share with you which notebooks in my account are getting the most use:

  • The Ninja Task Manager
  • Family History Organizer
  • My Books
  • Command Central On-The-Go
  • Blog Post Ideas
  • My Movies

I use Springpad each and every day. The fact that I have one place to store all this information and that it’s readily available to me on all devices (even when I’m not connected to the Internet) makes Springpad an incredibly useful resource for me. If you haven’t tried it yet, the Notebook Store is a great place to start.

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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