Some great ideas for the dog lovers on your gift list

20 November 2008

As I mentioned earlier, I went to the HH Backer Christmas Trade Show in October, to help my friend, Sally. The Backer show is a huge trade show for the pet industry.

I had a great time and came away with some gift ideas for pet lovers.

First, of course, is the company I was representing, Roll Over Rover, Inc., the t-shirt company owned by the wonderful and talented Sally Brown. She designs all the shirts, carefully selects the garments and colors and turns out a really beautiful and comfortable product. Here’s one of my favorite designs:

Sally doesn’t sell direct to the public, but you can find a list of retailers on her site. Her shirts are also sold at In the Company of Dogs. (There’s a greater selection in the physical In the Company of Dogs catalog.)

Tomorrow I get to immerse myself in Roll Over Rover goodness as I help Sally do inventory. (Incidentally, Sally’s website was designed by her niece, Nora Brown, who also designed mine.)

Some other products that caught my eye at the Backer show were the beautiful collars and leashes offered by the companies whose booths were on either side of us.

First, Trish Hampton offers stylish designs for the sophisticated dog. Check out this example:

On the other side of us was Paw Paws, another company selling really gorgeous and sophisticated collars and leashes. I don’t think such pretty products were around when I first became a dog owner. Kirby and Pip now have Paw Paws collars and leashes and they’re fabulous. I love this pretty collar:

The other exciting product to me was this dog walker’s belt from DOOG (sort for Dog Owners Outdoor Gear), an Australian company. I got one for myself and I really like it. This flat belt is much nicer than a bulky fanny pack and discreetly carries all the essentials—poop bags, treats, even hand wipes. It has a hook for keys and another for your iPod (assuming your iPod has a case with a clip). Here it is:

The DOOG dudes were at the show looking for US distributors. I see there are a few listed on the website. I imagine you can keep checking back to find one near you, or order online from Australia.

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Hi, thanks for the article. May I request to please feature hand blown dog glass figurine as a gift idea to pet lovers? I am looking for other places/online site/shops selling these in large numbers. I usually buy my figurines from I am a sucker for glass art like those from Murano and Russia. Thanks in advance!

Liz Saito October 27, 2013 05:53 AM

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Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

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