Set yourself up for success with your goals

19 December 2019

I’m deep into thinking about my 2020 goals. There’s something about a year that ends in zero that makes it feel extra important. Maybe it’s because we’re starting a new decade, The Twenties. (It’s so bizarre that soon The Twenties will have nothing to do with flappers.) I love the process of setting goals for the new year and I really enjoy taking a whole day to work on my goals. This year, like last year, my big retreat day is December 26. I can’t wait!

At this time last year, Shannon Wilkinson and I launched a goal-setting product, Good Enough Goal Setting that I’ll be using again this year as part of my retreat day. (Shannon and I co-host the Getting to Good Enough podcast.) Shannon and I have been working together a long time and ten years ago, in 2009, we created a teleclass about setting and keeping resolutions. The following year, we created a workbook to go with it. After selling it for a few years, we took it off the market.

Last year, we brought it out and dusted it off after we realized that our resolutions teleclass really fit in to our good-enough philosophy. We updated it and renamed it Good Enough Goal Setting.

I was so excited when I listened to the teleclass and went through the workbook because it is still so relevant and helpful. The audio includes guided hypnosis, which can be very useful in the goal-setting process. (Shannon is a certified hypnotherapist.) I’m looking forward to listening to it again during my retreat day!

We’re offering the 25-page Good Enough Goal Setting workbook for $15. With it, you automatically get the 2009 teleclass (with the guided hypnosis). I think it’s a great tool to help you set realistic and achievable goals (and then go about achieving them!). If you listen to the teleclass, bear in mind that was done over the phone so the audio quality is not up to 2019 standards. We’re thankful that our podcast sounds much better!

We discussed Good Enough Goal Setting in Episode 30 of Getting to Good Enough. You can listen to that episode on the podcast’s website, or wherever you get your podcasts. Episode 83, to be published on December 26, 2019, is a re-airing of that episode.

I encourage you to check out the workbook + audio. It’s a small investment to set you up for a great 2020!


Just click on the View Product or Add to Cart button to purchase via PayPal!

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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