Selling unwanted designer bags

19 February 2018

Rebag buys designer bags

A certain number of my clients have invested money in designer handbags that they no longer love or use. It can be hard to get yourself to donate these bags, since they retain a lot of value. But taking them to consignment stories or selling on eBay takes a certain amount of effort. And time is money, right?

Enter, a website that purchases designer bags and make the process easy. (They sell the bags they purchase on You download their mobile app, take photos of the bags you want to sell through the app, and submit. Within a few days, they send you an offer which you are free to accept or decline.

I went through the process of helping a client sell some designer bags to Rebag recently. She submitted eight bags, which took us a few hours to do. Of those, Rebag made offers on three. Two of the remaining five were rejected because of condition or wear (as demonstrated in the photos) and three were rejected because the resale price was “below threshold.” To my knowledge, that threshold was never explained, which is my biggest quibble with Rebag.

However, they offered almost $2000 for the three bags they did accept. After my client accepted their offer, Rebag sent her a mailing box and packing paper and it was a simple matter to mail in the bags. My client was pleased to actually receive more than they originally offered, because one of the bags, a Chanel classic quilted bag, was a different model or better condition than expected. I admired the integrity behind increasing their offer. She received a check very quickly.

While it was a bit of effort to photograph the bags, the client didn’t have to leave her home to sell them. The process made me happy to recommend Rebag to others. In fact, I am one of their referral partners. If you use this link or enter my name as a referrer, they’ll give me a small commission.

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Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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