Selecting my holiday cards

31 October 2022

I love sending holiday cards and I like to give myself plenty of time to write in each one. I send two cards: One from Peace of Mind Organizing for clients and colleagues and one for family and friends from my husband and me.

This year I’m trying to be extra gentle with myself because I’m still not back to normal capacity since my father passed away two months ago. I toyed with the idea of not doing cards this year, which is a completely legitimate option. But I do love the process of sending cards and the connection I feel with the recipients.

So today, I decided to see how easy I could make ordering my business holiday cards. As usual, I went to (that’s an affiliate link, which means if you click on the link and place an order, I’ll receive a small percentage). I noticed this year that they had a Business category, which limited my options. (I love limiting my options.) One jumped out at me, so I selected it. In previous years, I would agonize over the choice But this year, to make it easy, I just chose one.

I chose the color and customized the printed greeting. That was easy. Then came the addresses. Minted offers beautiful pre-addressed envelopes. Since I’ve been using Minted so long, many of my contacts are already entered in my account. I simply went through Quickbooks and added the addresses of new-in-2022 clients. I selected my recipients then I was done. I did have a moment of angst over whether to add some handsome slip-in envelope liners that match the theme of the card. I checked my budget, saw that I had enough money and went for it. I know they’ll add a nice touch.

This year, selecting my card was easier than it’s ever been. And I think it was just because I refused to get caught up in it. I am so excited to have this off my task list and I can’t wait until they arrive and I get to spend time writing notes in each one.

If you send out holiday cards, it’s not too early to order yours. Let it be easy! The sooner you have them the more ease you’ll bake into the process!

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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