ScholarShop closing in 2017 but St. Louis has an alternative

10 October 2016

If you live in St. Louis, you’re probably familiar with the venerable ScholarShop. It’s a resale store that sells clothing and accessories (and a few housewares), run by the Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis. The 57-year-old shop, with two locations, is a great place to donate clothing because it offers an itemized, valuated receipt at year’s end. It’s also a great place to shop. I’ve bought many, many items there over the years.

I was shocked to learn a couple of weeks ago that the Scholarship Foundation will be closing the ScholarShop in 2017. Apparently it has not been generating enough income to make it worthwhile for the Foundation to operate it. According to this article on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s website, they will accept donations through the end of 2016 and will probably remain open for shopping through mid-2017.

But I wanted to make sure my St. Louis readers are aware that there is an another worthy resale shop in St. Louis that also provides a valuated receipt. It’s The ReSale Shop, run by the National Council of Jewish Women-St. Louis Section. I also donate to, and shop at, this terrific shop. It’s located at 295 N. Lindbergh Blvd., between Highway 40/64 and Olive.

Like the Scholarship Foundation, the NCJW does good work that benefits the community with the money generated by the shop. They make it easy to donate and get a tax deduction. And the shopping experience is terrific. I encourage you to donate and shop there!

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Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

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