Overcoming inertia

27 June 2011

On Friday, I blogged about how I was going to work hard on Saturday so that I could relax on Sunday. That was my plan, rather than relaxing first or trying and failing to work on Saturday and then never getting to relax.

I’m happy to report that it worked out pretty well. I didn’t get everything done on my Saturday list, but I got a lot done. What’s more I powered through some moments where I really just wanted to take a nap. I used my timer to retain my focus and did indeed reward myself with a mid-day nap.

This is in contrast to a Sunday a couple of weeks ago where I intended to get a lot done but couldn’t get past the inertia. Instead I whiled away the afternoon at my computer, randomly web surfing and doing little that would enhance my life.

That kind of inertia is all too common (though as my to-do list grows and available time shrinks, it’s becoming less common).

Inertia was the subject of the free Explore and Play group coaching call two weeks ago from my friend and life coach Shannon Wilkinson, of Perception Studios. Every month, Shannon offers a free group coaching call. In that call, I jumped at the chance to get some get some magical coaching help for overcoming my inertia. I think it really helped me on Saturday. (You can actually purchase a recording of that call, if you’d like to get some help with your own inertia.)

After getting a fair amount done on Saturday, I was all about the relaxation on Sunday. I did some tasks related to the trip I’m taking to visit my parents next month, but mostly I caught up on TV, made some progress on the skirt I’m knitting, and had a lovely, long phone conversation with my friend, Patti. (It had been way too long.) I ended the day working on a task that I promised my accountability partners I’d do this week.

For me, anyway, planning some relaxation is a great strategy. Dangling the carrot of a day where I get to do only as much (or as little) as I want made it easier for me to get work done on Saturday.

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Sounds like a great weekend. So glad the coaching on the group call helped Janine! I’ve heard from a few people that listening to your situation has helped them. Thanks for volunteering!

Shannon Wilkinson June 27, 2011 11:14 AM

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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