Nine things I love about the iPad

21 September 2010

My three-year-old cell phone came to the end of its life recently, so I bought an iPad. I realize that doesn’t make a lot of sense on the surface, since the iPad isn’t a phone. But when it came time to contemplate a new phone, I realized I wanted the productivity of the iPhone (that is, I wanted to be able to access the internet when I’m out and about without relying on a wireless connection), but I didn’t want to sign a contract with AT&T and I also craved a larger screen for my middle-aged eyes.

So I bought a less-than-smart replacement phone similar to the one I’d had and ended up with a 3G iPad and wireless keyboard. It’s just been a couple of weeks, but I am loving it.

In the spirit of why I love my iPod Touch, a post I wrote in 2008 when I bought my iPod Touch (which I still love and use), here are nine things I love about my new iPad.

1. I can access the internet anywhere. With my iPod Touch, I have to have a wireless connection to use the Internet. With the iPad, I pay a monthly fee for a cellular data connection. So as long as there’s cell service, I can log on.

2. The screen is quite large. And really crisp. Reading a website on a smartphone can be difficult. But the iPad’s display, at 9.7 inches, isn’t that much smaller than my MacBook’s.

3. The larger screen allows for touch typing. It’s not perfect, but it’s so much easier to type on the touch screen of the iPad (particularly in landscape mode) than it is on the iPod Touch. That said, typing longer emails or other written documents can be painstakingly slow, which is why I spent an extra $70 on…

4. The wireless keyboard. Small and light, it connects automatically via bluetooth with the iPad, making it almost as functional as my MacBook and so, so much more portable. I also love that the iPad is fully functional without the keyboard, so I don’t have to carry it if I don’t want to.

5. The apps. I love the apps. Since iPhone/iPod Touch apps work on the iPad, I was able to transfer the apps I’d already downloaded. And there are a growing number of apps written specifically for the iPad. I’m using more work-oriented apps like Dropbox and Evernote, but I also enjoy the games. (My current favorite is Word Scramble, a Boggle-like word game.)

6. The photo display. I’ve already loaded some before and after photos on my iPad, which I think will be inspirational to clients. They show up so large and clear on the screen that they have a real impact (as opposed to, say, squinting at the display on my digital camera).

7. The portability. This thing is so light (1.6 pounds) that if I don’t have the keyboard with me, I barely notice that I’m carrying it. And the keyboard adds just 14 ounces.

8. Synchronicity. I already use MobileMe to synch my computer with my iPod Touch. After just a couple of minutes of set up, I was synching my iPad as well. So no matter which device I’m using (MacBook, iPad, or iPod Touch), I have the most current info for my calendar and contacts, as well as my latest emails, right in front of me. And the synching is automatic and wireless. That’s a great thing.

9. The plethora of accessories available for the iPad. Even though it’s only been around for five months, the iPad is so insanely popular that accessories have sprouted up like mushrooms. I can find anything I might desire for it (cases, bags, stands, you name it) — and chances are really good that the accessories are stylish.

My only challenge at the moment is finding just the right bag to replace my purse, which isn’t large enough for the iPad. I want to find a bag that will hold the iPad and the wireless keyboard when necessary. But that’s a fun challenge.

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Thanks for this post about the ipad — I’m still debating between the iPad and the iPod touch — oh how I wish they’d sell a cell data plan for the touch! The one thing I don’t need is an actual voice plan.

For bags, have you ever checked out Acme Made?

Nora Brown September 22, 2010 06:03 AM

Nora, having (and loving) both, I will say that web browsing and writing emails is much easier on the iPad. If I had to choose between the two, I’d go for the iPad. Of course, your eyes are much younger than mine. <g>

I’m off to check out Acme Made. Thanks!

Janine Adams September 22, 2010 07:42 AM

Great seeing you in Austin at NSGCD (now ICD) conference! This post is inspiring. I’m in a technology transition right now. I’ve been weighing, researching & stressing over the many options. I love what you’ve come up with and had also been contemplating a similar combo. The purse is perhaps the biggest challenge. Can’t easily slip the iPad into an evening bag. But there may be work arounds. Thanks for sharing. I may be calling you for a private consult.

Linda Samuels September 27, 2010 09:31 AM

Linda, it was so great to see you! I tell you, the iPad and keyboard option worked out very well at the conference. I ended up using a Butler Bag tote I’d bought at KMart last year (it even got Geralin’s seal of approval in the looks department) and it worked just great. I’d be more than happy to talk with you about it whenever you’d like.

Janine Adams September 27, 2010 11:03 AM

Just wondering, how good is it for reading e-books? I have thought of buying an iPad of Kindle for this, but not sure which one suits better for me.

Timo October 5, 2010 10:13 PM

Timo, the free app iBook is quite nice. I haven’t read a book on it yet, but it comes with Winnie the Pooh, and it looks terrific. I haven’t used a Kindle and I understand it’s more book-like because it’s not backlit. But I would definitely buy an iPad over a Kindle, if I were in the market for an e-book reader, simply because of all the other stuff it does.

Janine Adams October 6, 2010 04:37 AM

Enjoyed your post, Janine. Have you found a bag yet? Maybe a butler bag (medium or tote) would work. I love mine b/c I can carry my junior Circa notebook along the side- which would work for the iPad as well.
Good luck in your search…

Lauren October 16, 2010 12:29 PM

I found a bag…in my closet! I had a Butler Bag tote (I think) that I’d purchased from KMart last year and didn’t use much. But it’s worked out very well because it accommodates the iPad and wireless keyboard plus all my purse stuff. So your suggestion was right on the mark, Lauren. Thanks for your comment!

Janine Adams October 17, 2010 08:02 AM

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Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

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