New, elegant containers from SortJoy

10 May 2021

Back in January, I read a note from a NAPO member Stefani Herr, about a new line of containers she had co-developed (with an interior designer) called SortJoy. I admire organizers who bring products to the market so I checked them out was really impressed at the product line’s beauty and versatility. I signed on to become a rep (which means that if you click on my link, I get a commission and, for a limited time, you get a 10% discount). I immediately ordered one for myself.

SortJoy offers felt containers (made from recycled plastic) in several sizes as well as some collapsible containers made from paper. I have a huge bias in favor of felt. As I knitter, I love knitting wool bags and containers and then washing them so they felt. (Remember the felted-wool wastebasket I made for my last car?) So I immediate gravitated toward the felt line.

SortJoy has three types felt containers, The Flex Bin, The Handle Bin, and The Sculpted Bin, which is more rigid. I opted for The Flex Bin, which has a foldable upper edge, so you can adjust the height to fit your needs. (The Handle Bin can also be folded.)

Another thing I love is that SortJoy offers limited choices, which made it much easier for me to decide what to buy. Once I chose felt over paper and no handles, I simply had to decide flex vs sculpted, then shape (square or rectangular), size (regular or small), and color (grey or tan). I am so easily overwhelmed by options that I always like to limit my choices. (That’s one of the things I loved about wearing the same dress for 100 days.)

When my Flex Bin arrived (I ordered a tall, square, tan Flex Bin), I was really pleased with the quality. I immediately put it to use holding my current knitting project, which lives next to my chair in the living room. Since it’s out in the open like that, I loved the simple elegance of the SortJoy bin. I folded down the top to make it easier to access the contents from my chair.

Here’s a photo of the room, with the SortJoy Flex Bin. (Please try to ignore the dog-toy stuffing in front of my chair.)

I’m very pleased with this product and recommend SortJoy to folks who don’t need a clear container and who enjoy the simple elegance of felt.

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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