My new home office space

7 July 2008

That stressful trip to IKEA was all about purchasing storage furniture for my new adjunct home office. I had an extra room in my house, adjacent to my home office, and I decided to create a second office out of it.

In the new office, I store supplies that I take into clients’ homes. (In my original office, everything is administrative and used in the office.) In addition, I fashioned the room into a virtual showroom of sorts, where I can use photos of what I’m done there as a way to help clients. I also store my yarn and knitting-related items in the new office—the yarn storage itself is a great example for my crafty clients. In addition, I give talks on organizing your knitting supplies, so I feel comfortable storing that material there.

I wish I had a before picture, but I didn’t take one. The room was originally a dining room. We have another dining room upstairs (our house was built as a two-family house), where we dine. I’ve been using the room to store stuff that goes to clients’ homes, but I didn’t have any storage furniture, so everything was in bins and boxes on the floor. That was both inefficient and unsightly.

Before I went to IKEA, my friend, Sally, helped me paint the room. (Sally also put the furniture together for me. What would I do without her?) We painted it in Restoration Hardware’s Silver Sage, to match my main home office. It’s a beautiful, peaceful color. We also painted the little hall between the two rooms, which really brought them together.

Here’s a photo of my cat, Joe, enjoying the IKEA boxes before they were unpacked, as well as the flattened seagrass baskets I bought at IKEA.

Once we put the furniture together, it was breeze to whip this room into shape. In the center of the room are the two Expedit bookcases I purchased from IKEA. I also bought 6-inch Capita legs for them, to bring the cases up to work-surface height.

Each has eight cubbies. One of the cases contains inventory of the Freedom Filer, Exit Strategies, and Time Timer products I sell, as well as “kits” of stuff I take to different types of appointments. It also has my Eyes of a Stranger needs assessment supplies. The other case (the far one in the first picture below), contains more random stuff, including a basket of organizing supplies I keep around to give to clients—stuff that other clients have passed on to me or that I’ve acquired in some other way. I also keep my catalogs there.

These cases hold supplies for clients

You an see the bank of Elfa drawers I use to store my yarn at the end of the Expedit shelves, in the little bay of the room.

In addition to the Expedit bookshelves, I also purchased an Effektiv cabinet, which has two lateral file drawers to hold empty hanging files as well as at least one pre-assembled Freedom Filer set. The frosted-glass-fronted cabinet stores my inventory of flattened canvas file boxes, a rotary paper cutter, and my knitting books, magazines and patterns.

Here’s another view:

I still need to replace the light fixture and move one of my cloth-covered bulletin boards (in fabric that complements the paint color) from my original home office into the adjunct one. It’ll go above the radiator.

The idea for the purchase and placement of the Expedit bookshelves came from my friend, Lara Thiel, who’s an interior designer. I know I never would have thought of it myself. And I love it!

Every day when I walk through this room to get to my office to work, I smile. There’s a place for everything. It appeals to my aesthetic sense. I’m actually enjoying putting things away. And I can’t tell you what an improvement it is over the mess it replaced. Ah, the joys of getting organized.

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Joe is a beautiful cat – but you knew that!

Your comment about the catalogs caught my eye, because I just dumped almost all my catalogs into the recycling yesterday. When I want to show clients some options, I almost always do that by e-mail; I hadn’t used the catalogs in ages. My filing cabinet has much more room now!

Jeri Dansky July 7, 2008 04:12 PM

You make a good point, Jeri. I usually leave catalogs in my car, but they sometimes come in handy when I’m having trouble describing something. But an email would do the trick.

Joe and I appreciate your complimenting his beauty!

Janine Adams July 7, 2008 05:15 PM

A home office space and a trip to Ikea? None of that seems stressful to me.

Office for rent

Jordan Smith May 31, 2014 12:50 AM

That’s so great that you have a dedicated space for all that stuff, separate from both your work area and your living space.

Janet Barclay April 4, 2018 08:45 AM

What a beautiful result. I don’t have a full office like this, so a little jealous! Any friend who helps you assemble IKEA furniture is a friend indeed!

Seana Turner April 18, 2018 01:37 PM

Lovely space. I wish I had the extra square footage, but then again, that just means more stuff. I use a shelf in my garage for client supplies. Not as pretty as your space.

Janet Schiesl April 19, 2018 06:01 AM

Thanks, Janet, Seana and Janet! I feel very fortunate that we have so much space in our old house so I have room to store this stuff. And, Seana, you’re absolutely right that having a friend who will help you assemble IKEA furniture is amazing!

Janine Adams April 20, 2018 05:12 PM

Those cube style shelves are the best!!

Olive Wagar April 26, 2018 12:40 PM

I agree, Olive!

Janine Adams May 2, 2018 02:30 PM

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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