Lifehacker: Blog of the Week

11 June 2008

This week I have to extoll the virtues of Lifehacker. It’s a fabulous combination of high- and low-tech tips on enhancing productivity and customizing things to make them a little more to your liking.

There are a lot of Mac-related hacks, which I love (not that I actually ever implement them, but it makes me feel very smart to know about them). There’s Windows-related stuff, too, which I just ignore. In fact, I scroll through most of the high-tech stuff—though occasionally I find some nuggets useful to non-computer-hacker me.

For me, the best part is the low-tech stuff, like this great post on the Top Ten Office-Supply Hacks. It contains alternative uses for lots of common office supplies. (Like putting a piece of Scotch tape on a file folder tab before affixing a label, to make it easy to remove the label and reuse the file folder. Genius!)

Content is added frequently (and I mean frequently…there must be at least a dozen posts a day), so there’s always something new to check out. In fact, if I miss a couple of days of checking Lifehacker I start to feel a little overwhelmed.

I can almost guarantee if you pay a visit, you’ll find something valuable in the first three screens of content. Give it a try!

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Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

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