Letting routines help me get my mojo back

26 September 2011

I’m a huge believer in the value of routines. They keep my life running smoothly. But right now, my routines are all messed up. I was away for a week, attending the ICD conference. Then I was home for four days and too busy to focus on my surroundings. Then I left home for a lovely, relaxing weekend in Nashville with friends.

I’m writing this from the hotel in Nashville, anticipating going home. Unfortunately, I left my office in such disarray that it looks like I need the help of a professional organizer. Serious, long-term help. The place is a wreck. I’d love to tackle it as soon as I get home. But I have some urgent items on my to-do list, like finalizing a talk I’m giving in two days. And finishing up a new Organizing Guide (on Bingo!) that I want to offer.

But I know the minute I step into the office it’s going to really bug me. Like many of my clients, I feel myself falling into the trap of feeling like I need to put aside a half day or more to do the job justice. But of course that’s not necessary. If I simply set my timer for 15, or perhaps 30, minutes, I’ll create enough order to give myself peace of mind. It’d be nice to do a thorough sprucing up. But all I need is a modicum of order to get my sanity back. I can always snatch pockets of time to keep working on it throughout the week.

The other key to recapturing and maintaining my sanity will be to get back in the groove of my routines. For me, that means clearing off my desk every night, as well as beating my email back into submission and maintaining inbox zero daily I also need to get back into my morning exercise routine. And daily litter-box and yard-scooping. Those habits are so ingrained that it should be easy to get back into them. And it’s amazing how much I miss them when I’m away (well, maybe not the poop scooping).

If you’re interested in learning more from me about the value of habits and routines, you can sign up for my online workshop at simplify 101, Simplify Your Life with Habits + Routines, which starts October 4. It’s chock full of advice on creating good habits and routines and letting go of bad ones. The secret sauce of these workshops is the online forums for participants only. I’ll be there to answer questions and provide support. (And the other participants fulfill that role too!) At only $59, I think it’s a real bargain.

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I too believe in the power of routines, but do you ever get as frustrated as I do when things do not go as planned?

It throws off your entire routine?

Mark Anthony Morales October 6, 2011 04:48 PM

I know what you mean, but I typically manage not to get frustrated. I’m just so glad I have my routines to go back to!

Thanks so much for your comment.

Janine Adams October 6, 2011 05:15 PM

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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