Just too much

16 July 2012

In the past, I have belonged to Sam’s Club and Costco, the giant discount warehouse stores. About five years ago, we let our Costco membership lapse because we realized we were throwing away so much. For our family of two, bulk shopping just doesn’t make sense.

So I actually hadn’t stepped foot into one of those stores in five years when I went to Sam’s Club today to buy four new tires. Their prices were so good it made sense to join. I had an hour or so to peruse the offerings as I waited for my car.

I found the giant store packed with large packages of so many items so overwhelming and such a symptom of our culture of overconsumption. I didn’t buy anything (besides tires), but did note some good prices on some everyday non-perishable items we use. (I snapped photos of those price tags for next time we run out.)

As I walked through the aisles, I remembered how I used to feel a sense of urgency as I shopped there. Like there were deals I just couldn’t pass up. That turned out to be a false economy when we didn’t use the items before they expired.

One reason I didn’t buy today was that I didn’t really need anything. (Being a professional organizer has really helped me be more discerning about what I bring into the house.) But even for the items we do use, I hesitated to buy (despite good prices) because of the quantity. Where would I store that stuff? I have seen with my clients how bulk purchases can lead to clutter. I don’t want the stuff sitting out and I don’t want to have to reorganize a closet to make room for a huge supply of toilet paper just to save a few dollars.

I have nothing against these stores or people who shop in them. But I have to say spending time there (despite it not being crowded) made me a little stressed and sad. I don’t see myself doing a lot of shopping there, except for specific items, like tires or shelving, where I can get a great deal without buying in huge quantities.

I have to admit, I was kind of amazed that the thrill of shopping at these stores was gone. I think it’s just one of the ways that becoming a professional organizer has changed me.

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I definitely agree with you. I’ve been a Costco member for about 11 years since I went on my own when I was 19. Over time, I’ve achieved a healthy balance by buying only what I need/use, and annually assessing if the membership is indeed worth the savings. Being a professional organizer definitely has given me the insight to still be conscious of my consumption, and not just overconsume paper towels because there are a dozen more rolls in the laundry room waiting to be used.

Michael Tannery July 17, 2012 01:22 PM

I agree! It is soooo overwhelming. Then again, the mall, Target and bascially any other stores that are not boutiques are overwhelming to me! I do a lot of Amazon shopping when it comes to clothing and shoes.

That being said, I do have a Sam’s club card for things like toliet paper, paper towels, and party supplies. I don’t buy food there but some of the prices on liquer seem to be pretty good should you be having a party.

My boyfriend and I live in Soulard and we have one of those big tall houses. It is great but it comes with 3.5 bathrooms so we do buy in bulk just to keep the bathrooms stocked up. Its amazing how much we go through! But I was sick of buying toliet paper every other week and we have the room for bulk supplies. We are very active and seem to always have people around so the stuff does get used!

Kellie July 20, 2012 07:43 AM

Michael and Kellie, thank you for your comments!

Michael, you make a good point about being mindful about one’s consumption as well as one’s purchases.

And Kellie, you’re absolutely right that those stores are great for buying bulk items that you use, especially if you use them in a timely manner!

Janine Adams July 21, 2012 10:06 PM

The thing that we buy the most of at Costco is drinks, paper towels & frozen meats. Things that go bad more quickly we typically buy from Publix. Buying in bulk is definitely a smart idea, but only if you plan ahead. You may wind up having to throw a lot of stuff in the garbage and that’s a waste of money and food.

Laura Miles December 22, 2012 02:08 PM

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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