Heading to the NAPO conference!

1 April 2019

For the 13th time, I’m getting packed for the annual conference of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals. I’ve attended every year except 2014 when there was a conflict with my nephew’s bar mitzvah. (Family first, right?)

Attending is not inexpensive. But from the very beginning, I’ve invested in the conference because of the huge dividends is pays. Here are a few of the reasons I go:

  • I learn so much about organizing and about running my business from the educational sessions and from talking with colleagues
  • I’ve made professional associations that have helped my business
  • I get to see friends year after year (it’s like summer camp!)
  • I get to make new friends and associations
  • I get to room with my dear friend Geralin Thomas whom I met at my second NAPO conference in 2007. We’ve been rooming together for years and it’s always a treat.
  • I get to hang out with my local chapter members in a new environment (there are more than a dozen of us going this year!)
  • Attending conference makes me a better professional organizer

When you work for yourself, time away from home to attend a conference also affects your income. But, for me, attending the NAPO Conference is worth the investment (and the absence of income).

If you’re an organizer and haven’t attended, I encourage you to make plans to attend the 2020 conference. The location hasn’t yet been announced, but it’s sure to be good!


One of the very best things about the annual NAPO conference is sharing a room with you. I love having a tiny bit of alone-time with you. You’re a delightful person and an excellent roommate. I treasure our friendship. And, FWIW, I agree with all your NAPO conference reasons to attend.

Geralin April 1, 2019 04:40 PM

What a nice comment. Love you, Geralin!

Janine Adams April 1, 2019 05:06 PM

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

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