Going with the flow - part 2

25 June 2012

On May 2, life through me a little loop when I fell and sprained my ankle quite badly. That day I blogged about how such experiences make you go with the flow. I was out of commission for quite a few days and was just getting back to enjoying having natural-looking feet. (The foot swelled badly and turned purple.)

On Saturday, I had another foot injury. I was buying wine and stupidly put a bottle in the child seat area of the shopping cart. The wine bottle fell through the leg hole and landed squarely on my foot. The good news was that the bottle didn’t break. But it hurt as much as you probably imagine it would.

The toes turned quite purple almost immediately and today I had to take time out of my day to go to the doctor to have it checked. We decided not to x-ray it, because treatment of fractured toes is no different from non-fractured toes (unless the big toe is involved, which mine wasn’t). So I don’t know if they’re broken, but it doesn’t really matter.

I’d post a picture of my foot, but it might not be in good taste. If you want a peek, you can look at this twitter post. It features a photo that I took while I was waiting at the doctor’s office.

The point of this post? That it’s a good idea to build some buffer time in your life so that when you’re thrown a curveball like an injury, you can adapt. When every minute of your day is scheduled, this kind of thing can be disastrous. I know I feel more relaxed when I know I can be flexible. That kind of buffer can help make a painful situation turn into a majorly stressful one.

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Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

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