Goals, not resolutions

30 December 2011

I’m not so keen on New Year’s Resolutions. I think we tend to make them when we get caught up in the hopeful feelings that a fresh, new year brings. But I think they’re frequently not realistic. And we don’t give them enough time. And when one goes by the wayside, we give up hope on all of them.

Instead, I love setting goals. And, for me, often those goals are my hopes for new routines and habits to keep my life running more smoothly. 2011 was a big year for habits and routines in my life. I successfully created one rather life-changing habit: I clear my email inbox every work day. (Next week, I’m going to blog about how I do that.) I also created and backslid on some new ones, like daily exercise and clearing off my bureau every night. An important, ingrained habit, my clean desk temporarily fell by the wayside in 2011. Since life has slowed down a bit over the holidays, I’m actually back on the clean desk bandwagon.

So now I turn my attention to 2012. For me, I don’t so much want to create new habits as I want to reinstate and reinforce the excellent habits I created in the last year. Those include:

  • Putting away my clothes properly every night
  • Exercising every morning
  • Clearing my email inbox every workday
  • Telling my gratitude buddy, Aby Garvey what I’m grateful for each day
  • Taking multivitamins, calcium supplements, and fish oil capsules every morning

Speaking of Aby, she wrote a terrific newsletter article today on Simple ways to turn your resolutions into realities. She always has such sage advice.

If you’d like even more advice on getting what you want in the new year, I have something else for you. A couple of years ago, my friend and life coach Shannon Wilkinson and I created a teleclass called Why Resolutions Don’t Work—and How to Get What You Want Anyway. Last year we added a workbook to it. So now, for $19, you can get an audio recording of the teleclass, plus a 24-page workbook based on the content of the audio. It might be just what you need to help you create realistic goals for the new year. Click here to download yours.

This is my last post of 2011. Thank you for reading my blog. I wish you peace and order in 2012!!

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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