One of the benefits of having a blog for six years is that you can see how often you do stuff. Back in March of 2009, I blogged about decluttering the ancient computer documentation I had in my office closet.
So I cleaned out my computer manuals then, and I did again in February 2011 when I revamped my office closet.
A couple of days ago, I needed to create some space in the magazine holders I used for computer-related paper and disks so that I could store some genealogy-related magazines. I decided to use a decorative box to hold the computer stuff. So I pulled it all out and was appalled to see that I had documentation for software and hardware are no longer in service in my life. (I got a new computer in September 2011.)
Why is it so hard to remember to get rid of that stuff when you switch computers? (That’s a rhetorical question.)
It felt great to reduce that clutter. When was the last time you went through your manuals and software? I bet if you worked on it for 15 minutes, you’d reduce it greatly.
Tagged with: clutter, computer, decluttering, disorder