Last month, my organizing advice appeared in two articles in the same week. The first was on Readers Digest’s website, in an article called 12 Things Professional Organizers Declutter Every Day. I was specifically asked about things I do in my own home, so this is truly real-life advice. (I talked about laundry, email, kitchen countertop and desktop.) My friends and colleagues Ellen Delap and Kathy Vines also contributed to this piece.
In addition, I was part of a round up of professional organizers on in an article called, Home Organization: Tips from Professional Organizers. This time some 40 professional organizers provided tips on 40 different organizing challenges. My contribution was my answer to the question “What are the best apps to help you get organized?” This robust article is chock full of information. Ellen and Kathy are included in that story, along with a lot of other great organizers.
I urge you to give them a read. There’s so much great information shared in the articles!
Tagged with:, press,, readers digest