Do you snore?

3 February 2009

This has nothing to do with organizing, but I have to share. I’m a snorer. My husband is a light sleeper. This is a bad combination.

I used to take Sudafed to stop snoring, and I think it worked, but I stopped being willing to take so much Sudafed. I tried Breathe Right strips, which also worked, but it would take little bits of skin off the bridge of my nose when I removed it. I didn’t like that.

Maybe six months ago, I tried out what’s turned out to be a good, if not perfect, solution. It’s the Sona Pillow, a $100 pillow we purchased at Brookstone. It’s a weird-looking pillow, as you can see. (That’s not my husband in the picture, by the way.)

As I understand it, the pillow is supposed to make me sleep on my side. (Like most people, I snore when I sleep on my back.) While it’s supposed to make it less comfortable to sleep on my back, I’m an inveterate back sleeper and the pillow is not stopping that habit. But it’s apparently holding my head at a different angle and the snoring is much, much reduced.

It’s not the most comfortable pillow, and if I slept alone I probably wouldn’t use it. But I’m no longer being awakened by my husband asking me to turn on my side to stop snoring. He’s not being awakened by my snoring. Thanks to the Sona Pillow, we’re both getting a better night’s sleep.

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Here’s a less expensive option to the $100 pillow:

Tom March 7, 2009 11:13 AM

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

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