Day 75 of the 100-day dress challenge

16 February 2021

I’m three-quarters through with the 100-day dress challenge! I’ve worn the same black wool-blend dress every day since December 4, 2020. I’m still thoroughly enjoying the challenge and I absolutely love the ease of dressing that it’s provided. (I’m wearing the Rowena Swing Dress, regular length, in size XS.)

Right now it’s really cold in St. Louis. When I got up this morning at 7 am the temperature was -2F with a wind chill of -17F. Crazy cold. So my dress is just another layer to keep me warm. I appreciate extra layers that are warm and lightweight!

Here’s what I love about the challenge:

  • My choices of what to wear are limited to things that I can wear with my dress
  • The options to change up the dress are surprisingly large, so I get to exercise a little creativity
  • It’s easy to put on some booties, tights and a belt and feel a little spruced up
  • I don’t have to wash it often so the amount of laundry I’m doing each week has been reduced
  • It’s something fun to talk with people about

If I were going to an office every day or working in clients’ homes it might be more challenging. But this is the perfect time to do a challenge like this.

You can read about the challenge at the website of Wool&, the company that makes the dress I’m wearing and that issued the challenge. And you can read my first post about the 100 day challenge for more information about why I’m doing the challenge.

When the 100 days are over, I am confident that I will keep wearing this dress. I really love it. It’s outrageously comfortable, odor-resistant, wrinkle-resistant and easy to wear. The prize for completing the challenge is a $100 store credit toward a new Wool& dress. I’m looking forward to trying a different dress and am confident it will become a staple of my wardrobe.

In order to qualify for the $100 credit, I have to wear the dress at least eight hours a day and take a picture every day. (They give a little grace and will accept 95 pictures.) A lot of people are showing off their pictures each day on Instagram, but that’s way too much pressure for me. So I’m uploading mine into Dropbox and will share the folder with Wool& next month when I finish the challenge. To be honest, the hardest part is to remember to take the picture!

Here are some shots that show some of the looks I’ve created with the dress. (I’m not going to show you the days where all I did was throw the dress over long underwear and sweatpants.)

Day 30

Day 41

Day 56

Day 64

I look forward to seeing what the next 25 days bring!

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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