Coaching, anyone?

12 April 2007

Earlier this year, I made the smart decision to take a nine-week telecourse, The Coach Approach for Organizers taught by the fabulous uber-organizer and coach Denslow Brown and the equally fabulous ADD coach, Cameron Gott.

The nine weeks just ended; we had our last class yesterday. It’s got me thinking about what I’m going to do with this newfound knowledge. In this class, I learned general coaching skills, I learned about organizing people with ADD and I learned about coaching people with ADD. Fascinating stuff, particularly since so many chronically disorganized people have ADD.

One of the distinctions I see between coaching and organizing is that organizers are hired to help solve problems for their clients, while coaches help clients come up with the solutions themselves. In our classes and practice sessions we were encouraged to squelch our “expert” and instead guide the client to their own insights. I think all of us in the class had a little difficulty with that, since we’re so used to being hired for our expert opinions. But we all saw how powerful it is when the solutions to problems come from within the client.

So what am I going to do with knowledge I gained in this class? I’d like to offer coaching to my organizing clients. I can see weekly phone coaching, for example, used to keep the client going between hands-on appointments. I see using phone coaching to work with organizing clients who live outside of my geographic area. And I can also see integrating coaching skills, particularly the potent one-two punch of powerful questions and accountability, during my hands-on organizing appointments.

As I figure out what I’m going to offer, I’ll be adding a coaching section to my website. I’m really excited about using these skills…and gaining more skills…to help my clients achieve lasting peace of mind.

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Hi, Janine, I really like your web site, and I’m glad you decided to take the coaching course-I’m sure you’ll make a great coach-it’s tough to work with Add people, because you’ll end up doing things over and over-but keep up the good work. Are you reqistered with CHAD or the ADDA-They maintain lists of professionals that do coaching. I’ll check back with you soon Best wishes, Lee (Art’s housemate)

Lee May 6, 2007 11:14 AM

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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