Can decluttering lead to happiness?

8 April 2009

Gretchen Rubin who writes the blog (and upcoming book) The Happiness Project also blogs for Real Simple.

A couple of weeks ago, in a Real Simple blog post, she discusses how she gets a lift from decluttering. If she’s feeling down, cleaning out a cabinet makes her feel better. She’s found a link between happiness and the act of getting rid of creating order.

It’s an interesting idea and I get it. I find that I usually get a lift from the result of decluttering, and often enjoy the process, though I often kind of dread the prospect of starting it. (Participants in our teleclass, Declutter Happy Hour get some help with that as Shannon Wilkinson takes participants through some meditation-like exercises that jazz them up to start decluttering.) I can tell you this much: It’s way more fun for me to help other people declutter their stuff than it is to tackle my own.

In the end of her blog post, Gretchen writes, “And if I want to lift my mood, I clear a little clutter. If I can’t face a closet, I tackle a drawer. If I can’t face a drawer, I clean out the fridge. How about you? Do you find it cheering to clear clutter – or just annoying?”

The comments she received in response are worth reading. If you ever doubt the value of taking some time to declutter, the commenters might change your mind.

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I was forced to declutter when I moved from Connecticut to Florida 7 years ago. I continue to live decluttered and simply, and I am happier and more at piece than I have ever been. My priorities have changed and my spirituality has increased. My happiness, I believe, is proportional to my degree of decluttering. What a joy to live unencumbered! Linda

Linda Childress May 30, 2011 07:27 AM

Thanks for your comment, Linda. I’m so happy for you that decluttering and living simply has made your life better!

Janine Adams May 30, 2011 04:41 PM

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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