A little thing can make a big difference

7 March 2011

I’m going to be 50 next year and like many people my age, my vision isn’t what it used to be. Reading, in particular can be challenging. I’ve been wearing progressive lenses (distance vision in the top, reading vision in the bottom, with a little intermediate in between) for some years.

But I like to read novels. And I particularly like to read while I’m eating breakfast by myself. I found that wearing my usual progressive glasses was frustrating because I’d have to position my head just so to read the page (and keep moving it as I moved down the page). I also found it hard to read in bed with my progressives.

So I bought two pairs of non-prescription reading glasses at the drug store, but I couldn’t find just the right strength. My regular glasses are good for general use, but when it comes to reading a book, I wasn’t having a satisfying experience. And since I spend time reading at least twice a day, that was getting wearying.

So I asked my eye doctor for prescription reading glasses. Big ones, not those little half glasses. And they’ve made such a difference to my reading enjoyment! We have vision insurance, so it cost only $30 and it’s really enhanced my life.

That got me thinking about all the annoying little things I once tolerated that with a small expenditure of time and effort I’ve made much less irritating. Here are just a few things that come to mind:

  • I’ve replaced the small bathroom wastebaskets with larger ones so I didn’t have to empty them as often (or let them overflow).
  • I clear off my desk every day so I don’t have to search for things on my desk.
  • I process all my email every day—I’m still going on inbox zero I don’t have lingering tasks nagging at me.
  • I write down my tasks in my Superfocus notebook so I don’t have to remember them (my memory has taken off with my eyesight as I age).
  • I pick up the yard after my dog every day (or at least most days). Now I don’t have a nasty chore waiting for me on Saturday (nor the nasty visual clutter that goes with not picking it up every day).

My life is far from free of annoyances, but I’m going to keep my eyes open for small efforts that can reap huge benefits. Do you have any irritations you’d like to let go of? Maybe we can brainstorm some easy solutions. Feel free to comment.

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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