A great resource for organizers

25 May 2011

Last night, the teleclass from the Institute for Challenging Disorganization was on children who hoard. Kim Anker-Paddon and Leslie Josel, who taught the class, gave us some great case studies as well as a review of the (limited) research on the topic. Fascinating stuff.

I am so grateful the consistently excellent education offered by ICD. I’ve been a member for six years and they’re still offering classes I’m dying to take. That amazes me. (Much credit goes to Kim Anker-Paddon, ICD’s teleclass director, and her volunteers.)

If you’re a professional organizer or related professional, and you haven’t joined ICD yet, take a look at this quarter’s teleclasses. You might find them seriously tempting.

Another great learning opportunity comes in September in the form of ICD’s annual conference. This year, the conference will be held September 15-17 in Raleigh, N.C. The tantalizing theme is Acquiring Minds: How We Think, Act and Feel About Possessions The lineup of speakers is tremendous.

Following the conference is a one-day workshop on Motivational Interviewing. At only $125, I think this workshop is a steal. I signed up for it. It’s limited to 30 participants (and at least 15 spots are already taken), so if you’re tempted to go, you’d be wise to sign up.

If you’re not a professional organizer or related professional but are interested in learning more about challenging disorganization (and you’re in the Raleigh area), for the first time ICD will be offering a program for the public the evening before the conference starts. It will be at the conference hotel (the Hilton Raleigh Midtown) on Wednesday, September 14. Complete details will be posted to the ICD website soon and I’ll also blog about it.

I serve on the board of the ICD as its Marketing Director, so it’s my (unpaid) job to be publicly enthusiastic about ICD. But I’ve been benefitting from (and singing the praises of) ICD long before I was on the board, back when it was called the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization. I’m really proud to be associated with such a stellar group.

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

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