2013 highlight reel

3 January 2014

Taking stock of the year that’s just finished can be an important part of planning the year ahead. 2013 was an exemplary year for me, so I’ve had a good time creating this year’s highlight reel. (Here’s 2012’s version.)

My word of the year, GROWTH, came true. Last year I used Christine Kane’s Word of the Year Discovery Tool to come up with a word to guide my year. I chose growth (both professional and personal) and it was a great choice! I exceeded my income goals and I learned a whole lot. This year, my word of the year is “innovate.”

I led many organizing teams. I love leading teams of organizers. Last year I led three dozen teams. So much fun. And so much help for clients.

My new headshots. At the end of January, I had Lance Tilford take new headshots for me and I’ve just loved them. I get a new headshot about every three years and by the end of three years, I’m always itching for a change. I think Lance did a great job.

My relationship with Springpad. Check back on Monday for a blog post about my partnership with my new favorite personal organizer app Springpad. Exciting stuff!

I bought a new (to me) car! I’m not into cars particularly, and I’d been driving my 1998 Honda Civic since 2007. It was reliable but small. I found myself needing to haul around more supplies to my team jobs, so I upgraded to a 2008 Honda CR-V. It’s a nicer car, with more amenities, and, most importantly, it has some great cargo space without being huge. (I love Craigslist for buying and selling cars.)

My genealogy blog grew by leaps and bounds. Organize Your Family History took off this year. Its readership is growing much more quickly than the readership for this blog did in its first year. I also added a genealogy-related service option to my business this year. I love that I’m integrating genealogy into my business life.

I met my cousins. Thanks to Organize Your Family History, I became acquainted online with some of my mother’s first cousins and even met some in person. I also met online a more distant cousin on my father’s side. As a family-history enthusiast, that is so exciting.

I went to my first genealogy conference. Last March I attended Ancestry Day in western Missouri. Next month, I’m attending RootsTech in Salt Lake City. I love conferences, so I’m very excited about this.

We hired a housecleaner! Honestly, having a regular housecleaner has been on my goal list for the last few years. This year, we finally found somebody and it is glorious. I hate housecleaning so much and thanks to our housecleaner, Ryan, I rarely have to do it. Bliss. (If you’re in St. Louis and you’re looking for a good housecleaner, email me for his contact info.)

2013 was a very good year for me and I have high hopes for 2014. If you haven’t done so already, I encourage you to create a highlight reel for 2013, even if it doesn’t feel like it was a great year. You might be surprise what you come up with!

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I don’t know why, but I’m delighted that your housecleaner is a guy. :-)

I’m glad 2013 was such a spectacular year for you, in business and in your personal life, and I hope 2014 is even better!

Julie Bestry January 3, 2014 10:14 AM

Thank you, Julie! I hope that your 2013 was great and that 2014 is fantastic!

P.S. I bet you’ll like knowing that my plumber is a woman!

Janine Adams January 3, 2014 07:09 PM

So much CAN happen in a year. Congrats on the new car, additional family and house cleaning person! Sounds amazing hopefully 2014 is treating you just as great!

Michelle June 25, 2014 01:17 AM

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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