Articles tagged with autofocus
23 March 2011 | Comments [0] »
Mark Forster, my favorite time management guru, introduced a new task management system, SuperFocus, on February 7 of this year. I’ve been using it since that very day and I’m ready to weigh in on it.
Tagged with: autofocus,
mark forster,
time management
16 February 2011 | Comments [0] »
Every now and then I write here that my time management guru, Mark Forster has created a new task-management system and that it’s awesome. In fact, last April I wrote a love letter to DWM, which at the time was his latest system. And then just two months ago, I wrote about a new tweak to Autofocus, which has been my favorite of his systems.
Tagged with: autofocus,
mark forster,
task management,
time management
7 December 2010 | Comments [0] »
I’ve been a follower of time-management expert Mark Forster for years now. When he develops a new time-management system, I sit up and take notice.
Tagged with: autofocus,
mark forster,
task list,
task management,
time management,
to-do list
10 February 2010 | Comments [0] »
Mark Forster is my time management guru. As I’ve blogged about before, I loved his book, Do It Tomorrow and Other Secrets of Time Management
. I used his DIT system for managing tasks for a year or so, and then he introduced Autofocus in January 2009. I was a little reluctant to switch at first, because DIT was working for me, but I decided to try it. I was over the moon. (I’ve blogged about Autofocus many times.)
Tagged with: autofocus,
mark forster,
task management,
time management,
to-do list
29 October 2009 | Comments [0] »
Over the past ten months I’ve written here about my love of the task-management system Autofocus a lot. I do love it. I’ll let you click on the links and learn about it, but, in a nutshell, it involves one long, bound to-do list upon which you dump all your tasks, in no order, and work through it in a particular fashion. There’s no prioritizing, no rewriting the list.
Tagged with: autofocus,
mark forster,
time management,
to-do list
17 September 2009 | Comments [0] »
I’ve written quite a bit about Autofocus, the task-management system invented by my favorite time-management guru, Mark Forster. The original Autofocus debuted on January 5, 2009. I was an eager beta tester and became an enthusiastic user.
Tagged with: autofocus,
mark forster,
task management,
time management
4 August 2009 | Comments [0] »
I’ve written in some detail about time-management guru Mark Forster’s new task-management system, called Autofocus. I’m a giant fan.
Tagged with: autofocus,
mark forster,
task management,
time management,
to-do list
30 June 2009 | Comments [0] »
I’m back from my husband’s family reunion at a lovely mountain resort in Pennsylvania. We had such a nice time. There were over 100 people at the reunion, all of them lovely. We drove the 700 miles to the reunion site, spending a night on the road each direction. It was so nice to get away. I barely thought about work.
Tagged with: autofocus,
mark forster,
to-do list
15 May 2009 | Comments [0] »
No, this isn’t a post about green organizing (though I am doing a free talk on that topic next month…you might consider coming if you live in St. Louis). Today I’m thinking about keeping track of things using a paper planner/notebook versus an electronic device.
Tagged with: autofocus,
nick cernis,
time management,
to-do list,
21 April 2009 | Comments [0] »
Through the years, I’ve tried many time- and task-management systems. Like many people who are into this sort of thing (the type of people who enjoy walking the aisles of an office-supply store), I was always drawn to new, shiny systems. I’ve used the FranklinCovey® system, Daytimer®, Day Runner®, QuoVadis, the Planner Pad®, even dabbled in GTD. About 18 years ago, I was practically apoplectic with excitement when I purchased a European-style planner called Time/Line. (Does anyone remember that? It was a lower-cost version of Time/Design, which is now apparently called Time/system. It’s possible I’m remembering the name wrong.)
Tagged with: autofocus,
mark forster,
time management
7 April 2009 | Comments [0] »
If you struggle with getting things done and you live in the St. Louis area, you might want to take advantage of the free talk I’ll be giving on April 22 in Webster Groves.
Tagged with: autofocus,
mark forster,
time management,
2 April 2009 | Comments [0] »
It’s so interesting to me how in control I feel when I have (and take) the time to keep my systems going, and to maintain order. And it’s also interesting how quickly those systems can break down.
Tagged with: autofocus,
time management
12 March 2009 | Comments [0] »
As part of my plan to present a free organizing-related talk to the public every other month in 2009, I’ve scheduled my April event.
Tagged with: autofocus,
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time management,
9 February 2009 | Comments [0] »
Last week was one of those weeks I wasn’t at my desk much and when I was I had to be focused on urgent items. I’m not sure I actually looked at my to-do list all week, except to add to it.
Tagged with: autofocus,
mark forster,
task management,
time management
15 January 2009 | Comments [0] »
We organizers like to talk about breaking big projects down into small steps in order to make them feel less overwhelming. That’s solid advice.
Tagged with: autofocus,
mark forster,
time management
10 January 2009 | Comments [2] »
As I mentioned last month, time-management guru Mark Forster has developed a brand-new task management system. It’s called Autofocus.
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mark forster,
23 December 2008 | Comments [0] »
If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you know that I’m a big fan of “Mark Forster”. The principles in his book Do It Tomorrow and Other Secrets of Time Management
have been really helpful for me and I credit them with helping me get a handle on time (or at least task) management as well as procrastination.
Tagged with: autofocus,
mark forster,
time management