Taking the easy route

26 January 2011

It snowed much of the day this past Sunday, one top of the half-foot or so we already had, and then on Sunday night there was freezing drizzle. So Monday, I awoke to slippery sidewalks and roads.

I’ll admit that I’m a white-knuckle driver when it comes to winter weather. I did go out on Sunday during the snow in my Honda Civic, because we needed dog food and human food (in that order). I was miserable driving and did get around safely, though I had a couple of turns that were supposed to be 90 degrees that were actually 45.

Monday afternoon I had two appointments. One for a brow shaping and one for an annual checkup with my doctor. Seeing the road conditions on TV, I worried for a couple of hours about how the roads would be and tried to reassure myself they’d be fine. But my stomach was in knots.

Then I looked up at my bulletin board and saw the saying I keep posted there (it comes from life coach Michael Neill). That saying is:

Why is it so hard to let it be easy?

I realized that I didn’t have to work myself in a lather over the potential dangers of driving to these two appointments. I could just reschedule them. Neither were urgent (well, my eyebrows looked pretty bad). I could be open and honest with the receptionists and explain why I wanted to reschedule. If there were some sort of penalty, so be it.

Guess what? Despite the fact that the receptionists had managed to get to work that morning, both were very kind. There were no charges imposed. And I began to breathe more easily.

As it turned out, by the time those appointments rolled around the roads were fine. But I’m still glad I relieved myself of the stress of anticipating the trips.

Monday morning, I took the easy way out by rescheduling those appointments. And you know what? The easy way out can be great.

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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