My evening routine: It's how I stay on my game

1 July 2013

I clear my desk every night

I do three things almost every weeknight at the end of the work day that help me to stay on top of my business, start the day feeling productive, and reduce the stress in my life. These three habits have a lot to do with my really enjoying being an entrepreneur. They are:

  • I clear my desk off at the end of each work day. It’s easy to do, because there’s only one day’s worth of stuff out. And everything has a place. In the morning, thanks to my clean desktop I can hit the ground running.
  • I write down the four priority tasks for the next day. Why four? It’s a number that works for me because it’s realistic to expect I can do it all. And it doesn’t make me feel overwhelmed. I use a form I created for that purpose and I hang the list on a pretty clipboard on the wall next to my desk.
  • I empty out my email inbox. This is probably the most important thing I do to stay in control. I’ve been doing this daily for a couple of years now and it’s become very easy. Last year I wrote a post detailing exactly how I do it . The result? Every email that requires a response is dealt with in a timely manner. Decisions aren’t delayed. Emails don’t scroll away out of sight. And I only have a few emails greeting me in the morning.

These three habits, rolled up into one tidy routine, are key factors in the success of my business and, indeed, in my happiness. They keep me calm and in control and they really take very little time. What could you add to your evening routine that will make your life easier?

If you’d like to l earn more about creating habits and routines, sign up for my Simplify Your Life with Habits + Routines online workshop for Simplify 101. (Now through July 7, use the coupon code DECLARE to get 15 percent off the tuition.)

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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