Getting rid of my landline

9 July 2012

I’m giving serious thought to ditching my landline telephone. This feels like a very big deal to me. But these days it seems like the only calls I get are from solicitors (I don’t answer) and prospective clients, who get my number from my website. The latter group can just as easily get my cell number from my website. I’m paying over $65 a month for my landline.

Last year, I bit the bullet and ditched cable TV and I haven’t looked back.

I never would have considered this before I got my iPhone in March. But now that I have a cell phone I adore, I always have it with me. (The last ones always languished in my purse.) I’m lucky in that I get excellent reception in my house on my iPhone from AT&T.

My biggest consideration is a great headset. I spend a lot of time on the phone and a comfortable headset is a must. I’ve found one, the
Blue Parrot Road Warrior that I want to try out for use in the house.

The other consideration is getting new business cards and getting my cell phone number out there.

So these are the steps I’ve identified to make this transition:

  • Find a good headset that’s comfortable and sounds good and will work well with my iPhone. Once I’ve done that, I can move on to the following steps.
  • Change the phone number on my website and newsletter template
  • Add my cell phone number in my email signature line
  • Get new business cards printed
  • Let clients (past, present, and future), family and friends know
  • Call the phone company and do the deed

When I spell it out like that, it doesn’t seem like such a big deal. I’m very close. And kind of excited! If you have any suggestions or cautions, please feel free to comment!

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Congrats for making a decision that makes you happy. I’ll be the last person on a planet to give up a landline; I have yet to ever hear a cell phone that had sound quality equal to that of a landline.

Before you make the switch, check with your community’s 911 operator system. When you have a landline phone and punch in 911, even if you’re unable to speak (because you’re choking, hiding from an intruder, running, etc.) the 911 operator can identify where you’re located. When you dial 911 from a cell phone, in many areas, this is not the case.

Also, this doesn’t apply to your situation, Janine, but people should know that even if a cell phone is not connected to a service provider, if you can power up the phone, you can call 911. HOWEVER, when you call 911 from a landline and are disconnected, a 911 operator will call you back, but if you do so on a cell phone that is is not connected to a specific service provider, you’ll have to call back, because the phone you’re using will have no actual phone number. Preparation and knowledge!

Julie Bestry July 9, 2012 10:33 PM

Janine, I love my iPhone – and I’m keeping my landline. Admittedly, I have more reception issues than you have – but I’m also concerned about emergencies.

The Red Cross still says this in its Power Outage Checklist: “Keep a non-cordless telephone in your home. It is likely to work even when the power is out.” (And there’s also the 911 issue that Julie mentioned.)

If you decide to keep a landline for emergency purposes, I’d suggest you consider a residential landline rather than a business one; it may cost a lot less. If you go that route, the steps you listed would still be relevant!

Jeri Dansky July 10, 2012 12:15 AM

Julie and Jeri, you guys are awesome! You make a very good point about emergencies, and that’s a very important consideration. One thing I neglected to mention in my post is that we have two landlines in our home. My husband and I both work from home and each of us has a separate line. So even when I get rid of my landline, we’ll still have one in the house. But we’ll probably consider giving that one up at some point, so these considerations are very important.

Thanks so much for contributing to the conversation!

Janine Adams July 10, 2012 05:40 AM

I gave up my landline about 7 years ago, and have never looked back. I’ve had every iPhone since they first started coming out, and I’m amazed at the technology. It’s great to have only one voicemail to check when needed, and only one number to give out to people. Clients also appreciate knowing that they have my cellphone number so they can reach me anytime. I encourage people to call or text me, and a lot of clients open up when I tell them they can just text me instead.

As far as emergencies are concerned, we have a central alarm in the house (that’s connected to a wireless line) that we can trigger from throughout the house without having to call 911.

I also gave up cable about 4 years ago, so I know how it’s like to be un-tethered… except for my iPhone.

Michael Tannery July 11, 2012 01:06 PM

Thanks for your comment, Michael! Glad to know that going untethered has been so good for you! Do you have a headset for your iPhone that you like a lot?

Janine Adams July 11, 2012 03:08 PM

Thanks, Janine. Around the house, I’ll just use the default iPhone earbuds that come with the phone because it has the microphone on it. In the car, the phone automatically connects to the in-car Bluetooth system. When I’m out and about, I usually have no problem not having a headset because I’m a single-tasker anyway, so either I’ll answer the phone and stop what I’m doing, or let it go to voicemail because I’m with another client. I’m not a big multitasker except for when I’m at home. Hope this helps.

Michael Tannery July 12, 2012 11:39 AM

If you have ATT for your cell provider, I would look into getting an MCell. We have one for our office because it is in our basement. It takes all of your calls through your internet connection to provide a better call connection when cell reception may be an issue. It also reduces the number of minutes and data gb you use with your phone because it takes them through the internet. I’m not sure on the cost, but I know with a litle convincing, we got ours for free.

Briana Gerler July 30, 2012 06:56 AM

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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