My back-to-back conference hopping in the past 10 days has plum worn me out.
The Garden Writers Association’s conference was great, as always. But I talked so much that my voice got hoarse. I came home, had the glorious wonderful day of shopping that I blogged about and then went immediately to the fantastic conference of the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization. That ended Saturday night.
I relaxed quite a bit yesterday (I had a lot of TV to catch up on!), though I did do a three-hour shift at the home of friends that was on the Compton Heights House Tour.
So today I had big plans. I had only one client, and it was a phone appointment and thought I’d spend the rest of the day catching up and being productive. But I didn’t plan on my poodle Pip keeping me up last night. (I don’t know if was because of the coming rainstorm or if something else is up.) And today I’ve been very unproductive.
So why I am posting this? I think as a reminder about the importance of self-care. This much being “on” at conferences was unavoidable. But I should have built more downtime into my calendar and given myself the day off today. Or at the very least perhaps I should have recognized earlier in the day that I needed a nap or just a break. Instead, I sat at my desk feeling uninspired and trying to work.
I’m hoping for a good night’s sleep tonight and a productive day tomorrow!
Tagged with: gwa, nsgcd, productivity, self-care