A special time of year

22 December 2008

I know that this is a special time of year for many people because of the holidays. Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa…they all make for happy times for people who celebrate them. I certainly have nothing against any of those holidays. It’s just that in my little nuclear family (my husband, me, my two poodles and our tabby cat) we don’t celebrate any of them.

Nevertheless I love this time of year. In particular, I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s. First, that week is bookended by two days off, which is fabulous. And in between, no one really expects anyone to get anything done. Free of expectations of others, it’s time I can use any way I want. I’ve always used it as a time to get my ducks in a row. It comes right before the new year, a time ripe for goal setting, good intentions, and new beginnings.

And, as I came to realize in my Holiday Spa Day, the last week of the year is an excellent time for closure. I plan to tie up loose ends and do things like catching up on my 2008 Quickbooks data entry, which I’ve fallen woefully behind on, mostly because I don’t like doing it. Once caught up, I’m going to try to create the habit of entering data into Quickbooks (which I use for my business) at least once a week.

But I have three more days before that magical week begins. I have a little fun built in (a movie with a friend), some holiday knitting to finish, and some holiday cards to write in and send out (thankfully, they’re New Year’s cards). And I also have some fairly large things on my to-do list that I need to get done before January 1. The more time I spend on them before Christmas, the more magical my last week of the year can be because my time will truly be my own.

This morning, as I was walking around doing my morning stuff, I heard myself say something that was apparently going through my unconscious mind. “This is a special week,” I said out loud, in a whisper. I’m going to do my best to make it so.

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If you’d like a tool for setting your goals, you can use this web application:


You can use it to manage your goals, projects and tasks, set next actions and contexts, use checklists, schedules and a calendar.
A mobile version is available too.

Dan December 22, 2008 12:14 PM

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About Janine

Hello! I’m Janine Adams — a certified professional organizer based in St. Louis, and the creator of Peace of Mind Organizing®.

I love order, harmony + beauty, but I believe that the way that you feel about yourself and your home is what truly matters.

If you’re ready to de­clutter with a purpose and add more ease to your life, you’ve found the right blog — and you’ve found the right company.

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